Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Preschool at Home: Using What You Have

Savannah is finally starting to feel better. She had no fever today and she was playing as usual. I didn't have an activity planned for us today. I was expecting her to still be a little sick. She asked me if we could do "homework" and that's when I knew she must be feeling a lot better.

So. I pulled out her workbook and we did a few pages. She then requested to do numbers. This made me happy because we really need to focus on her numbers. My focus has been on her letters, writing and phonics and because of that we haven't really focused on counting/numbers as much.

After completing a few pages, I remembered an activity we had done with her class. The teacher had us doing simple addition using candy. Since Sav loves marshmallows I added those to some m&ms. We counted from zero to twenty a few times.

Then we sorted the treats and counted them.  This was a fun activity. It was quick and luckily I had somethings in the pantry. We had previously decorated Christmas cookies so I just pulled the candy and marshmallows from there.

You could do this activity with anything you have that your child likes. You could use chopped fruit or nuts. Another cool idea would be to use colored pasta. My point here is to use whatever you have on hand. Everything doesn't always have to be so thought out and perfect. As long as your child is learning and you both are enjoying it that's all that really matters.

What do you think? Isn't this so easy? I love getting ideas from Savannah's teacher during class and using them at home.


  1. Great advice! My little one is showing a lot of interest in learning his letters and numbers and he always wants to go to school (he's still too young). I keep thinking I need to go out and buy materials, make lessons, etc, but this is a good reminder that there is already so much around our house that I can use to teach him.

    *Pinning this reminder*

    1. Thank you Ashley!!! My daughter is three. She attends a (pre) pre-K class once a week. I stocked up on many of our supplies at the Dollar Tree.

  2. This is definitely a great idea! I love how when you do these activities with her she always seems to really enjoy them and to learn in general :)

    1. Thank you Brittnei!! She loves learning time and requests it quite often!

  3. Happy Savannah is feeling better. It's amazing what you can find around the house. I like the marshmallows. A fine line between bribery and education. Well played Tia, well played.

    I think we have the same workbook. I was originally going to get all of her supplies at Lakeshore Learning, but then I realized that the Dollar Tree has the same supplies for WAY cheaper. Winning!

    1. You caught it, LOL!!! There's nothing wrong with a reward for learning! I found this workbook at Target during the Back to School sale. I really love the Leap Frog books.


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