Tuesday, January 28, 2014

The Human Pacifier

Last night it occurred to me that I have become a human pacifier. Not all day though. Just from two AM until about five in the morning. Can you hear the sarcasm in my voice? I don't know when it happened or how it happened but lately sleep around here has been hard to get. Following in his sister's footsteps, I am now in another sleepless stage. Not complaining. Just catching you up on where I'm at with BabyM.

I would like to attribute his night waking to his teeth. He's teething now and that could be causing him some discomfort. Sometimes I think that he could be looking for me during that time. More often than I would like to admit I fall asleep while nursing him during those hours. It's possible that he's grown accustom to being with me so he wakes up to call for me.

Either way.

It's time to actually sleep train before it get's worse. I haven't really had to sleep train him up till this point so I hope it goes okay. I can't keep going night after night without adequate rest. He needs his sleep too. Savannah didn't stop night waking until I stopped breastfeeding. I wonder if that will be the case this time?

He's not really waking up a lot but he's incredibly restless and in a wakeful sleep state from two to five. Every night. I've got to figure out something soon. I gave up Dr.Pepper so I don't even have caffeine to help push me through the day. What's a Mom to do? Anyone else go through this? How long did it take you to get your baby back on a good sleeping schedule?


  1. Well, Tia, you are better than me because I, too, am in another sleepless stage, and I AM complaining. LOL K goes to bed at the same time as her brother, so that's not the problem. The problem is that she is not at that coveted 15-pound mark, which is said to be when babies have enough "fat" to stave off middle-of-the-night hunger pangs. K is 13.7 pounds, and is only four months...but my son was a whopping 21 pounds at four months! He slept through the night before he was two months old. Bliss. Now? Not so much. Still getting up 3 x a night, and, yes, I'm the human paci, too. :-/

    1. OMG I have never heard of this 15 pound sleep thru the night thing! I don't know if I'm relieved or upset that I didn't know about this sooner, LOL!!! My son has to be 15 pounds by now. This gives me hope. Maybe he's on the way to a better night's rest. We'll have to hang in there together girl. These things are only temporary, right?

  2. I feel like I am always trying to get Noah back on a sleep schedule. I am at a lost for this one because just when we get it under control....a new stage affect his sleep habits. I remember starting sleep training seriously at about 8 months. Never heard about weight verse sleep either. WOW.

    1. Same here. I honestly feel like a hamster on a wheel sometimes, LOL!! I'm constantly starting over but not really getting anywhere.

  3. I feel like a human paci at night too! I have been trying to night wean my 22 month old, but I have not been very consistent. For a while we were doing good until 4 am and then I would give in because I would want to get my last couple of hours of sleep in. However this week she has been nursing what seems like all night. I fall also while she is nursing, so I'm still able to sleep but it's not the same as having uninterrupted sleep. I'm hoping to get back on track and have her night weaned before she turns two. My son was already night weaned at this age, but my daughter is a more persistent.

    1. Well I finally got him off of the paci but now he wants me even more. The struggle...

  4. lol, been there girl. For the first 6 months I was a human pacifier too. I finally had to put my foot down and get some rest. I think the first few months are the hardest, but things should start to balance out soon. You'll be fine!

    1. Things have gotten better. Some nights are better than others but overall things are better!

  5. I'ma fight you over this picture. No you did not! Bwahahahaha!

    1. He inherited that look from his father. They both think I'm crazy, LOL!


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