Thursday, January 30, 2014

What I Hate about SAHMs...

Before anyone emails me this post is not really about what I hate about SAHMs. It's more about what I hate about the ideas and stereotypes that are associated with this job. I just finished reading a very popular blog post where a woman is talking about remembering your spouse after you become a Mom. Nice. I'm all for that.

Then she said something that as a SAHM I hate to hear or see. She mentioned something about not having had a bath in days and being covered in baby food, poo and anything else that babies tend to leave around to mark their territories. Can I just say that I hate hearing women say that? That they haven't bathed in days. I always secretly hope that that's an over exaggeration. I mean. I'm just as busy as the next Mama. I barely get any sleep at night and yes my chores get piled up just like you. But. You can best believe before I climb into bed and snuggle up next to my husband that I do not smell like baby vomit or baby poop or spoiled breast milk.

That's just not sexy. And while this job isn't one that I would describe as sexy I still like to give my husband the illusion that I've 'got this'. Even though that's not true everyday and somedays it may be an out right lie. Call me crazy but that's how I escape from it all. By taking a bath and feeling pretty. That makes me feel like Tia and not Sav's Mama or BabyM's pacifier.

It makes me feel like someone's wife. Even if it's only for a few hours I get to be something other than a Mom. So. Please SAHMs of America please stop telling people (even if it's true) that you haven't been able to bathe in days. I'm not sure how that's even possible but please let's stop putting that out into the world. That SAHMs are women who are overwhelmed (which is true, I've been there), messy, frumpy women who have no life outside of their children. Even if it's true (and sometimes it is) can we all agree to stop putting that image out into the world?

Some days I do look like a beat down mess and I am tired. What I won't do is project that tired energy on to the people around me or my husband. (who, by the way, is tired too)

Sometimes we force the stereotypes on ourselves. There will be a follow up to this post. Leave your comments below.


  1. If I ever smelled husband would let me know. And vice versa. We don't do that stinky stuff around here. That is not attractive. If you are not clean, I am pretty sure you can't blame lack of sex life to the baby. It's that funky behind. HAHA I

  2. DITTO! I couldn't agree with you more in this post! I could on go and go about how much I agree, but I'll save you that.

    Tenns @ New Mama Diaries

    1. So glad to hear I'm not the only one who thinks this way. At first I thought this post would be taken out of context. So glad it wasn't!

  3. Honey I read something similar and was wondering about these people. Really? It doesn't take that dang long to get your body clean, so I couldn't believe someone would publicly share that they haven't bathed in days. I've read a few stereotypes I cringe at, but this one is the most absurd. In my mom's voice I say "girl don't tell nobody else that!"

    Great post, Tia! Can't wait to read the follow up.

    1. That's why I can't understand what they mean, LOL!! Even after your kids go to sleep you STILL can't catch a quick shower or bath?! Very crazy!

  4. lol....i LOVE this....i will have to remember not to say this and actually take a bathe when i become a stay at home mom...seriously i cannot wake up unless i take a bathe anyway!!

    1. Right. Me either! I need that morning shower just to wake up sometimes!

  5. How the heck did I miss this post! First off this is just GROSS!!! And I would probably **side eye** another mom for saying this! I cant say it enough...its GROSS and you aren't that busy!!!


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