Friday, January 24, 2014

Preschool at Home: Upcoming Review

I have exciting news to share!

Savannah and I have been invited to review K5 learning! As you know, I've been working with her to build strong reading and math skills. I'm excited for the opportunity to review this online program. Her literacy skills are really growing so this could not have come at a better time. To be honest, I'm hoping it will help us get a better handle on where she is with math and numbers. I'm not a math person so I am looking forward to utilizing another resource to help us.

Stay tuned for the review coming soon!

K5 Learning has an online reading and math program for kindergarten to grade 5 students. I've been given a 6 week free trial to test and write a review of their program. If you are a blogger, you may want to check out their open invitation to write an online learning review of their program.


  1. I'm about to go check out their website now. My five-year old is homeschooled and lately he has not been wanting to do his official homeschool curriculum. We bought first grade Saxon math, but it's moving to slow for him. We are just starting to add two digit numbers but it's still mostly adding two one digit numbers in his curriculum. So he has been wanting to work in his Kumon Workbook instead. This website maybe something we need too.

    1. Let me know what you think about them! We'll be reviewing them over the next 6 weeks before I give an official review. Since you're already familiar with a homeschool curriculum I'd love to hear your thoughts...


Thank you for taking the time to chat with me!