Friday, January 10, 2014

30th Birthday Countdown: Airport Attire

I originally planned this post to share an idea that I had for an airport outfit. I always like to be comfortable while I'm traveling. It's so much walking and sometimes rushing that I'm not normally decked out in an airport. So. I was originally planning to wear the outfit you see below. That was before we switched our flight time.

Now that we'll have to be up and out before it's cute to be up and out I don't know what I'll look like, LOL! Cause honestly five AM doesn't look good on anybody. Anyway. Should I decide to not wear sweatpants this is what I'll probably be wearing. (But no. Really. I'll probably have on some cute sweats that early. Judge if you must…)

Airport Ready style mom fashion

Airport Ready by thechicsahm featuring blue jackets

If we weren't going so early I was thinking of wearing something like this below. My grey sweater coat is much cuter (if I do say so myself *in my Jay-Z voice*) than the one here. I like this look. Very cute and casual. The heels might be a stretch that early in the morning. We'll see how I'm feeling when I wake up…

Airport Ready fashion style mom

Airport Ready by thechicsahm featuring hobo handbags

What do you wear on travel day? Do you try to do it up or do you rock sweats and sneakers?


  1. Love that first outfit! That is so me because I don't have time to take off a bunch of different stuff. I need easy breezy. :-)

    1. I like it to but I'm wondering if the split is too much ya know? I guess if you can't go all out for your birthday, when can you?

  2. I love the first outfit! Looks very comfortable and cute at the same time...but I NEED that 1984 shirt in the bottom collage! I'm headed to your Polyvore RIGHT now to find the retailer!

    1. Thank you!! That t-shirt is for sale in my skreened store.

  3. Even though these are for the airport, I think I would wear them on a regular day! So comfy yet stylish. That is definitely my style as a mom on the go :)

    1. I agree. I can't wait until it's warm enough to wear the dress with sandals.

  4. Both options are cute! I like the Since 1984 t-shirt.

  5. Love the Since 1984 Tee and the Chucks. When I travel, I'm usually pretty laid back. Especially if it's an international flight. In those cases, I'm typically in sweats and tee shirts. Comfy over chic for me ;)


Thank you for taking the time to chat with me!