Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Pretty Much Sums it Up...

I am having a very "bleh" kind of day. The soup that I'm making for dinner doesn't taste as good as all the reviews made it seem. It's raining. And I have so much laundry to fold and put away. As I'm walking around in circles getting things done I thought about this video. This is my life almost to the tee. Without the extra kid or the super long hair.


  1. Tia, Tia.... This is my life right now! OMG! I so feel like this. I think the only difference is my oldest two are a bit older than hers. But even down to the spider man costume (Core is so excited to be spider man this year) I feel her pain. Thank you so much for sharing this video. I needed this laugh today.

    1. I knew I wasn't alone, LOL!!!! When I saw this I was like, "Dang, this is sooo me!!!" Especially the part when she's on the phone saying "Sh Sh Sh" and when she says "Is this normal?" LOL!!!

  2. LOL! I loved the video and I can definitely relate!

  3. Oh...yes! I can relate to this as well! Sometimes (well most times) it feels like there are NOT nough hours in the day! Grrrrr! LOL!

    1. YES!!! I could use a few more hours or whole 'nother me to get stuff done.

  4. OMG! That is tooo funny. This is certainly me all the way. I needed that :)

  5. Aw! I have days like this for sure! Hopefully things seem more calm and less stressful tomorrow. I feel like my feelings could make or change how I feel about certain things I have to do which can be quite crazy at times! lol!

  6. Hahaha I have one and have days like this too much! Especially that last, last, last, part.

  7. LOL...Hilarious!!! And VERY true!!!


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