Thursday, October 10, 2013

Chic Link Up: Ask Away Friday

This week for #AskAwayFriday I am linking up with my girl Baby Teems. Teems is not new to The Chic SAHM. She has been a guest blogger here before and Savannah and I have been featured in her #AWiseKid series. Head over to her blog after you read my answers to her questions. She's a DC Mama with a good sense of humor and the cutest little boy ever. 

Baby Teems

Do you think you could live outside the U.S.? If so, where?
I could absolutely live outside the US. Being an Army Wife I may actually get the chance to live abroad one day and I'm looking forward to it. I would love for us to get stationed in Germany. We would be able to bounce around Europe and really see some amazing places. Taking the Army out of the equation I would say I'd love to live in Sydney, Australia. Whenever Sydney is on House Hunters or Living Abroad I am always so in awe of their beautiful beaches and laid back lifestyle.

Which TV/Movie H.S. crowd best describes your crowd when you were in H.S? (I.E. Mean Girls, Gossip Girls, Saved By The Bell, Clueless)
I would say my HS crowd was a mix between Saved By The Bell and Clueless. I grew up with a very smart, progressive and forward thinking bunch of teenagers. We all were involved in either a sport, student council or some other type of school organization. On the weekends many of us had jobs. We all had our license at 16 and had cars. So. Saved By The Bell because our school was VERY happy go lucky, pep rally and Friday Night Football like. But Clueless because we had very adult ways of thinking and socializing. Oh. And everyone in my group of friends went on to graduate from college. Some of them are lawyers, my BFF is a Recreational Therapist and some work for the government. Not too bad.

Name something on your bucket list.
Seeing Beyonce in concert and (I am still sour about missing the Mrs.Carter show. I was too busy having a baby.) taking a dream vacation.

If your instincts tell you to give a stranger a fake name, what would it be?
Whitley Gilbert. ;-)

What is your most used phrase/word?
Lately my catch phrase has been,"Won't He do it." I say it under my breath. Sometimes as a statement but mostly as a question. It drives my husband nuts. I can thank Tamar Braxton for that.

I also have become a fan of the term "shade". 

Your kid dresses him/herself with pride wacky one day.... Do you let them leave the house with their outfit or do you suggest small change in clothes?
As long as it's not pajamas she/he can wear it. 

Which current reality show cast would you most likely fit in?
Gosh, this is tough because I am a big reality TV fan. (judge if you must) I don't think I'd fit in with any of the Housewives because they fight too much and my life is not drama filled in the least bit. So. I would have to say that I'd probably be a good candidate for a show like Wife Swap or some show that follows the life of a stay at home Mom. I really do think my little family is funny. While we may not be watchable for an entire season we could definitely give you one or two really good episodes.

Name one bad habit.
I'm a Coca-Cola drinker. Always have been and probably always will be. I need it in my system. I haven't been drinking it as much because I'm still nursing but I love me some ice cold Coca-Cola.

What kind of food are you usually in the mood for?
I am ALWAYS in the mood for Chinese food. Living in Texas, good Chinese is hard to come by. I dream about and live for the moment that I am living in a place where Chinese is available the way Mexican is here.

What is one thing we wouldn't catch you doing?
You would never catch me smoking a cigarette or tossing back a beer. I think smoking is the single most unattractive thing a woman can do. I have never liked the taste of beer so you'll never catch me drinking one. I'm a wine girl.

The Real Housewife of Caroline County


  1. LOL Tamar gets the best of all of us. Australia looks amazing. I would have went there instead of Hawaii if the ride wasn't so long. I need to be there for a month with that long flight.

    I know so many people that loved being in Germany. Great answers. Thanks!

    1. Girl, yes!! That long flight is no joke. You'd almost have to move there to make the flight worth it.

  2. Clueless! Love that movie and I watch it every time it comes on tv.

    Coke is also my favorite. I've been trying to eat and drink healthier, but Coke is one thing I can't seem to give up.

    Glad you joined us for #AskAwayFriday! :-)

    1. I will never be able to stop drinking soda completely. It is my one vice and I'm okay with that.

  3. Love watching House Hunters International and dreaming about moving to all those places! Australia is a good choice!

  4. I love learning more about you. My hs friends and I would be the Save By The Bell crew. I'm hoping for the chance to move out the country since my honey is in the marines.

    1. I didn't know your guy was a marine?! How did I miss that?! We should swap questions one week. I would love to learn more about you!

  5. I'm a coke drinker as well! I just can't give it up! So glad you are back for another week of #AskAwayFriday!

  6. I absolutely LOVE Tamar Braxton! She has got to be the Queen of catch phrases...and I steal almost every one of them...LMBO

    It was great learning a bit more about you...Thanks so much for connecting with #AskAwayFriday for another week! :D

    1. Tamar is hilarious and her album is pretty good too!

  7. I will trade our Chinese for your Mexican. I love Mexican food...can't get enough of it. And there's not much in the way of good Mexican food here! :( We do have a good Southwest restaurant though at least.

    1. Mexican is good but I miss really good Chinese. I could probably eat Chinese a couple times a week and not get tired of it.

  8. It's crazy but we lived in Germany was I was little because my dad was in the army. I don't remember because I was little but I have been to London and all over Spain. Europe is really beautiful. Still laughing about Tamar's shade quote. So funny what you say under your breath too lol!

    1. I would love to get stationed there. I think it would be a good experience for Savannah since she's older now.

  9. Once I allowed my son to go to the grocery with me in his pajamas. I was too tired and too exhausted to argue with him LOL
    Dropping by from AAF! :)

    1. LOL, Sometimes we have to do what saves our sanity! :-)

  10. I'm a Pepsi girl myself .. when I let myself drink soda which isn't too often. But you are right ... sometimes you just need an ice cold soda! I loved your answer about high school. I think I would be a mix of Clueless and Saved by the Bell too!

    (¸¤ Lanaya | xoxo

    1. Thank you!!! High school was a very fun time for me!

  11. I'm the exact same way when it comes to the smoking and beer. To me, smoking is the worst habit someone can have. It's so bad for your health, especially for women. I've never liked beer either. I think I may have had it twice in college. It tasted like bitter, sparkling bread! Yuck!

    My beverage vices tend to be on the sweet/non-alcoholic side as well. I love me some sweet tea (I'm from the South) and Sprite!

    Tenns @ New Mama Diaries

  12. HA HA!! I use the word shade too! My husband cannot stand it sometimes when I get my reality tv talk on :)
    "Oh honey that's a shady tree!" {Married to Medicine}
    Yes, I'll admit I love all sorts of trashy drama filled reality television!!

    I miss Texas food.... :(
    You cannot find good Texas style BBQ here... not close.

    1. Hahahahahaha!!!!! Married to Medicine did have some really good catch phrases! I just wish those ladies would tone down some of that eye makeup. I'm not a huge BBQ fan. I went to college in Eastern North Carolina where BBQ is really big and I just never got into it. It always looks good though!

  13. I'm with you on the Chinese food (yum) and the smoking (gross). And I love that your fake name would be Whitley Gilbert! I loved A Different World.

    1. Me too! I love A Different World. I still watch the re-runs. I love watching Whitley and D'Wayne's love story. We had Chinese delivered last night and it was pretty yummy!

  14. Loved Clueless - great flick! I love how you incorporated vlogs into this! I am very interested in trying, but also terribly scared! So happy to have met you in AAF!


Thank you for taking the time to chat with me!