Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Teaching Your Toddler How to Treat You...

I mentioned recently in this post that I was giving myself a break when it came to my behavior expectations for Savannah. Her personality has blossomed quite a bit over this past month and I can not say that it is agreeing with me. Actually. Her sassiness is just not going to work for me. On any level.

Now. While I am still holding true to the statements made in that first post I am back with another "revelation". It came to my attention one day last week as I was repeating myself for the fourth (or fifth or sixth) time that just as Savannah begins to assert her independence this is a great time to teach her how to treat me. After all, she is in a learning stage. She is figuring out what she can and can not get away with, and I am here to let her know that certain things just aren't going to work for Mommy.

Somewhere between repeating myself and being told "No, Mommy." it hit me. "I am going to have to teach this girl how to treat me." Don't we do that with everyone else in our lives? We teach them what we will and won't accept. As a (somewhat) new Mom I had been focusing all my discipline efforts on teaching her what to do and not to do but not necessarily teaching her how to appropriately address me (and other adults). I grew up in a house where we said "ma'am" and "sir". Now that Little Miss Vocabulary has started getting a little bit too sassy for my taste it's time to start nipping this in the bud. I remember when my youngest brother went through this stage it drove my parents nuts. Now I understand why...

So while I still don't expect her to behave like a five year old I DO expect her to act like a very well behaved three year old. We never experienced the "terrible twos" so this has been a crazy past couple of weeks. She's real slick too. She doesn't yell and scream like you see the kids on TV doing. Her tone is very grown up which I think is more insulting, ha ha! Anyway. Moral to the story is if you spare the rod you'll spoil your child. If you allow them to be a sassy three year old they'll be cursing you out by the time they're in second grade. It's not happening.

Welcome to the Sassy Threes where little girls get their first attitude adjustment.


  1. Something inside me burns me up when I call my girls and they say "what". They quickly change it because that will not be happening here. You're doing such a great job mommy!

    1. Thank you!!! I hope to be hearing a lot more ma'ams and sirs around here soon! :-)

    2. That reminds me of my great grandmother. We would get it if we EVER said "what". We didn't have to say ma'am but must answer by name. Not even just "yes". But "Yes granny (ect)

  2. I'm going through the same thing with Jasmine. She must have started her Sassy Three's early. Her behavior is really starting to irk me. She'll do something she's not suppose to do, and then when she gets caught, she'll run and hide. Once I find her she'll close her eyes-giggling. It drives me up the wall. She knows what she's doing is wrong by she's doing it just to get under my skin. Lord help me, I need to find me a Madea to handle this child...I'm just sayin'

    1. They are so much smarter than we give them credit for, LOL!!!

  3. When I read your blog I often think like is this what I am headed for with Emma! I got a little nervous for Savannah...I could hear you saying all of this with your southern drawl! You got this no worries...you are doing an excellent job!

    1. I hope Emma isn't as sassy as Sav, LOL!!! Every kid has their growing pains though. You heard me talking to Sav on the phone the other day. She's such a little lady already!

  4. Replies
    1. That is the PERFECT nickname for this stage!!!


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