Friday, October 11, 2013

Face to Face Fridays

Happy Friday everyone! This week I am talking about how taking a break in our activity schedule really helped me out. Of course, my kids are video bombing! Enjoy! I'll be visiting everyone's videos. Be sure to grab the button for the link to help get the word out. I'd love to see some new faces around here! Have a great weekend!

The Chic Stay at Home Mom


  1. I learned to simplify my life as well. I use to try to be super mom and do it all. Problem was I got drained and stressed. Now I just relax and do what I can when I can. And by the way you're just simply beautiful!

    1. Thank you so much!! I am slowly learning to slow down and not get so stressed about doing every little thing. It has made me rest a lot a better. I'm getting there...

  2. Thank you so much!! I am slowly learning to slow down and not get so stressed about doing every little thing. It has made me rest a lot a better. I'm getting there...

  3. i am learning to simplify life....awesome the kids photobomb!!!

  4. Just stopping by from San Antonio Mom Blogs! I look forward to visiting again. :)


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