Tuesday, October 8, 2013

PreSchool at Home: Update

It's been a while since I've shared some of our PreSchool activities. In an effort to get into a really good routine I have been trying to simplify our schedule. Now that Sav is going to a Preschool class once a week I have been using what she's learning in class to guide what we do at home. We still do our own activities but I really try to reinforce the lessons she learns in school.

My main focus with her right now is reading and phonics. We've been spending the majority of our "learning" time on that. We had been doing letters and phonics for a while but I didn't really know how to take the next step to help her start learning to read. Her teacher suggested that I try Starfall. I had heard of Starfall before but never really looked into it. Sav loved the site.

This month we are working on the short "a" sound. At first, I couldn't tell if she was really reading or if she had memorized the book from reading it so much. When my husband came home from work I had her read it to him to see if she could do it and I was very surprised that she could read it to him with a little help from me. She was also very proud of herself.

Today we did our reading in the morning (after I realized a planned trip to the zoo wasn't happening) and some pumpkin painting in the afternoon.


So slowly but surely we are settling into a routine that I am happy with. Can't lie. Cutting out a lot of play dates and moving dance to the evening has given me more time to spend with her. I have also been able to get so much more done around the house. These past few weeks have been really great. Anyone using Starfall? How do you like it?


  1. Starfall is a great site. The school here uses it as well as another site but I'm not sure what the name of it is. I'll ask my daughter and let you know. It's great what you are doing with your daughter. I believe learning starts at home and should continue there even when they go to school.

    1. I agree. I feel that it is my responsibility to get her started with learning. Thanks for checking that out for me. Can't wait to hear about the other site!

  2. This is interesting! I've never heard of it. I've been contemplating some things for my son since we plan on homeschooling. I always read to him and show him things. We are now entering into the craft/activity phase since he doesn't put things in his mouth as often so we shall see how that goes :)

    1. He'll love doing that kind of stuff! My daughter loves it! I have found so many great activities on Pinterest if you need more ideas.

  3. I just wanted to say thank you, thank you, thank you.

    In my time away from the blogosphere, I've been reconnecting with my daughter and trying to spend more time focusing on getting her prepared for preschool (it's never too early to start). Shortly after your first PreSchool at home post, I went out and raided The Dollar Tree for workbooks, flashcards, ect. I even got her a little desk. And now, every day, Monday-Friday, Jasmine and I sit down for at least and hour and work on Preschool activities. She loves it, I love it, and most importantly, she's beginning to enjoy those sessions.

    So once again, thanks. Seeing you raise the bar a bit inspired me to do the same.

    1. That's awesome Theresa!!!! She's going to be so ready for school and she'll be use to sitting to learn by the time she's Savannah's age. It's never too early to start. The Dollar Tree is my new favorite place for tools and goodies for crafts. They have almost everything you need. I can't wait to hear more about everything Jasmine is learning!


Thank you for taking the time to chat with me!