Thursday, October 3, 2013

Chic Link Up: #AskAwayFriday

This week I am linking up with Penny from The Real Housewife of Caroline County for #AskAwayFriday. In this hop bloggers swap questions to learn more about each other. Hopefully you all will learn a little bit more about me. Thanks again, for being my blogger buddy this week Penny!

The Real Housewife of Caroline County

1.  If you could be any age again what would it be and why?
If I could be any age again it would have to be 19. I wasn't as smart as I should have been back then. If given the opportunity to go back and do that year over I would.

2.  Would you rather trade intelligence for looks or looks for intelligence?
As I tell my daughter all the time...Feel free to share my quote.

3.  Can you impersonate anyone famous?
I do a pretty good Whitley Gilbert (from A Different World) and Abby Donovan (from Ray Donovan impression.

4.  What's your most expensive piece of clothing?
I have a couple pair of jeans that cost a pretty penny. I also have a ball gown that I used during my Mary Kay days.

5.  Have you actually ever had a surprise party that was an actual surprise?

6.  How many texts do you receive on an average day?
It depends. It can range anywhere from 0-50. More than that if I'm chatting with my girlfriends during the day.

7.  What's the peak of your day every day?
When my husband gets home from work.

8.  If you could swap genders for a day what would you do?
That's an easy one. Work out and sleep.

9.  What was your greatest day ever?
If we're not considering births or wedding days then I would have to say my college graduation. I will always remember how I proud I was for earning my degree and working two jobs during school.

10.  What's been the hardest thing to give up in becoming a parent?
Free time. I knew I wouldn't have as much free time but I had no idea I'd barely have any at all. I'm pretty sure I could fill every day with errands and list of to-do's. I'm getting better about carving out some me time though.


  1. I agree 100% I miss my free time or just the ability to run out and do something...instead it's loading up kids and scheduling naps and bottles in between..phew! Thank you for joining us this week, you did a great job and I'm glad you are apart of the #AskAwayFriday family now!

    1. Thanks for having me! Loading up the kids is a workout!

  2. It is definitely hard giving up the free time...that's for sure. I love your impersonations! That's true talent right there.
    And yes ... It is prettier to be smart! Love it.

    (¸¤ Lanaya | xoxo

    1. I do really good Whitley, LOL!! Thanks for stopping by!

  3. I love your quote! being intelligent takes prettiness to a totally different level. I also think my graduation was one of the greatest days of my life. My mom was very proud and I just wished my grandma was there to see me that day because that was one of her wishes. Unfortunately she passed a few months before my graduation.
    Nice meeting you here in AAF! :)

    1. Thank you!!! I tell my daughter that all the time. She's only 3 but eventually she'll understand.

  4. That quote was amazing, loved it! Great reading about you.

  5. Your quote was awesome!! Isn't it amazing how time just flies through your fingertips when you have kids?! I wouldn't wish it away though! Fun seeing your answers at Ask Away Friday -- I am really enjoying this series!

    1. I'm enjoying it too! Time passes so fast now that I'm a Mom. No one told me that would happen, LOL!

  6. I love your #7!! I feel that way too. After 15 years, I still miss him all day! :)

    1. It's my favorite time of day and it has been for almost 8 years. :-)

  7. I would pay to hear your Whitley impression! I bet it's so great. And I've never had a real surprise party too. People are so obvious sometimes!

    1. Since so many people have commented about the Whitley impression I just MIGHT do it one week! ;-)

  8. Love the pretty/smart quote. Brilliant! Whitley used to get on my last nerve, but she was hella funny. Would love to hear/see your impersonation of her. Perhaps a video will be in the works?

  9. Your pretty quote is perfect for every little girl, even us grown ups! Thanks for sharing that for to 'pay forward'. Schedule your free time, you deserve a few minutes each day for a 'pick-me-up'!

    Nice to meet you!

    1. Thank you! I'm working on the me time. It's high on my list of priorities for sure!

  10. Haha you should start of your next video off with a Whitley impersonation. LOL


Thank you for taking the time to chat with me!