Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Dance Mom

Savannah attended her first day of dance today. It was probably the most intense hour of my life. She is in a class of about 10 other little two to three year olds. Bless that teacher's heart. There were little girls in leotards and ballet shoes running all over the place. There were some moments of focus and participation. Savannah decided that she would suddenly become extremely shy so she didn't do much today. The teacher said it normally takes a month for kids her age to open up. A month seems like a long time. I need to see her do some twirls or jumps or something before that so we can get our money out of this month! I know, I know I need to be patient. I keep having to remind myself lately that she's only two. One second she's being sassy with me and the next minute she's a baby again. You gotta love this age. Here are a couple pics from this morning...

ballerina toddler


  1. My girls started dance at 2. It's fun for them so soon she should jump right in and begin enjoying herself and the shyness will go away.

    1. I sure hope so!! I'm looking forward to taking her again next week.

  2. She is a doll!! I don't get to do fun things like dance having two boys.

  3. Awww so cute and yes when my son did tumbling he did the same thing smh. It may not take that long I no you pressure her to much lol

    1. I know, LOL, I have to remind myself she's only 2!

  4. Oh my goodness! Savannah is absolutely beautiful! I love seeing little girls in their ballet uniforms! I bet she'll open up at class soon and be running around too. (from blog hop)

    1. Thank you!! I hope she has a better experience next week! I will post how it goes! Thanks for stopping by!

  5. Aww..she looks so cute in her little tutu and ballet slippers! This is exactly my concern about putting Moo into dance classes. She gets so shy and classes here are so expensive and I don't want to shell out that kind of money and feel like it's going to waste. However, on the other hand I really want to give her a chance to try dance out because she's been asking for months now and see if it will truly be something she'll love.

    1. I had no idea that she was going to react that way. It took me by surprise. The class here is $40/mo which isn't bad. When I was doing my research I saw everything from $40-$55/mo. Hopefully, she'll get the hang of it and come out her shell soon!

  6. she is so adorable!! Hopefully it gets easier, I was in dance for 13 years and I was terrified every time I had to start a new class *everytime* she will loosen up!


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