Friday, November 2, 2012

Friday Funny

I can't wait to start doing The Elf on the Shelf!!! Last year Sav was too young to understand but this year she'll get in on the fun!! Our elf's name is Stanley.

repost from Coily Locks

Have a great weekend everyone! We may attempt Sea World again this weekend depending on how Sav's cough is doing. Last week it was too chilly for her cough. If we don't go to Sea World that will be fine with me. I could use a weekend at home. I want to do some recipe research. I was watching $10 Dinners on the Food Network and I think I am going to give her shopping strategy a try. Anyone seen that show? She makes some amazing meals. Be on the lookout for my reviews!


  1. Hi, it's my first time visiting and I was cracking up at this post. I love it. I really needed a good laugh after this Hurricane Sandy disaster. My favorites are the one about Black Friday and the father throwing the child in the air. Thanks for sharing these. I'll be back again. :-)

    1. Aww, thank you for stopping by! These always give me a good laugh too! My thoughts and prayers are with you and everyone else that suffered from the hurricane.

  2. I totally did that cell phone thing the other day while trying to get ready for work and talking to my best friend - on my cell phone. LOL

    1. The cell phone pic is one of my favorites this week! We have all been there, LOL!!!! I even have a friend that was holding her baby, and said "Has anyone seen B?" It was very funny!!

  3. Hilarious!!! TRUTH: You dont actually love someone unless you occasionally want to kill them! HA!!!

    I've heard people talk about Elf on the Shelf...what do you do? Move it around or something?

    1. That one was on of my favorites too! Elf on the Shelf is an Elf that comes with a book and you can officially adopt and register with Santa at the North Pole. Every night after your child goes to bed you hide the elf somewhere new. It's a fun game. Some people really go all out creating scenes and setting up props for their elf. I'm looking forward to playing again this year now that she's older.

  4. These things are always awesome! Even if you've seen them before, you still get tickled seeing them again. Love when you post these!

    1. Oh, and Elf on the Shelf kinda freaks me out. Probably will never be a tradition in my house.

    2. Hahahaha!! I admit he does look a little creepy but it's so fun to hide him!

  5. I am so good for the shower move. OMG!!! I'm stealing that one about Thanskgiving! Hilarious!

  6. Wowwie wowwsers! Bravo Chica! The first Comment I've left on a blog in a month that isn't because you're giving away something! More power to each and every one of these that you've posted!

    1. Ha ha ha!!! Thank you!!! I'm glad you enjoyed them!

  7. Replies
    1. The funniest thing about them is that they're normally right on with how people think!


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