Friday, November 16, 2012

Friday Funny

Happy Friday! Enjoy the funnies below! Not sure what we're going to do this weekend. I think we'll probably start getting all the Christmas decorations out of storage. We normally wait until a little closer to Thanksgiving to put our tree up but since we don't have any plans this weekend I think I'll plan for us to do that. On a completely different note (and possibly random) I just saw a commercial saying that one of the large department stores are opening at eight on Thanksgiving Day. That's a little too much for me. A few years from now I bet stores will be opening at three. This whole Black Friday thing is a little out of control. (Says the woman who has never done or understand the sensation behind Black Friday.) Do you go shopping for Black Friday? What's been your experience?

- posted from my chic iPhone


  1. Lol. I always look forward to taking off my bra after a long night of work. Such a relief...

    Black Friday is crazy. I don't participate, but my husband usually goes to hang out. He's weird. I guess he wants to feel the action without buying anything.

    1. The stories about you and your husband crack me up! I look forward to reading them! I personally can't do Black Friday but it does seem like a great time to save.

  2. Lol! I love all these and can definitely relate especially about taking off my bra. I hate them. I stopped doing black Friday. When my girls were babies I got good deals now there's really nothing I want to get or worth fighting over. I get my stuff before then.

    1. The fights during Black Friday is what keeps me from wanting go out. People are crazy and I'm not about that life, LOL!

  3. Girl, no. No Black Friday for me. Folks are crazy, and the deals aren't THAT great. No, thank you.

    Funny cartoons, as usual. The stay-at-home mom ones -- so true. Being a teacher, I kinda get a taste of both worlds. Staying home with the little ones is HARD!

  4. Lovin this post :-) I needed a good laugh before bed


    Maya D


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