Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Sleepless with Savannah III...

It has finally come to my attention that Savannah's sleeping is a direct result of our new schedule. This really didn't hit me until I was reading a post over on the blog Lipgloss and Binky. In that post, Mimi was sharing that her daughter's doctor thought that a child's routine helps them sleep. Even though I'd read this theory several times in parenting books it didn't really hit me until I read it on her blog.

After I thought about it I realized that Savannah's schedule has completely changed since moving. How can I expect her to sleep well when I haven't really put forth the effort to put her back into a routine? Before we moved Sav was sleeping every night from seven thirty to about seven in the morning. If she wasn't up by maybe seven fifteen I would calmly wake her up so that we could start the day. Since we moved she's been sleeping until almost eight every morning. That's got to change.

I also have to get back in to the habit of making her go to sleep at about eight. I've been letting her stay up later than I normally would and it's not creating an environment of healthy sleeping habits. During the day before we moved we were constantly doing an activity or meeting for a play group. Now that we are more settled she's started dance classes. Tomorrow we start Mommy and Me Pre-School. Like I said in another post, sometimes I have to remind myself she's only two. I can't expect her to adjust to new routines and environments easily. I have to do a little work. (Why do I feel like Iyanla Vanzant right now? LOL) I have to create her routine all over again and not deviate from it.

We were at a good place before and I know we can get back there. Waking up during the night and sleeping in my bed is no longer going to be tolerated. I'm cracking the whip and getting us back to our regularly scheduled program. Pray for a Momma.


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    1. Hi there!! Already following you back ;-) Loving all your beauty tips!

  2. I feel like I need to write a post about this also! HA! We have been doing good with the sleeping routines. Now this is a piece of advice that my mom and sister gave me that was the most valuable. Emma (9 months) usually sleeps from 8:30pm-8am like clock work! But since she turned 9 months we have been back up multiple times a night like she is a couple of weeks old. I know I am spoiled because she was sleeping all night, but these multiple times of waking up is killing us! LOL!! We have been zombies the past few days from her waking up! I have been trying to get her back on schedule and Im doing everything like I was before...not sure if she is just going through a new phase now! But she wont go to sleep until almost 10, and she's been waking up at midnight, then 3 or 4am, then sleeping for a little bit then waking up at 5! I know she is sleepy before 10pm! But she fights it so hard!!!

    1. Same here! I was very spoiled by her sleeping all night and not giving me any problems. We're working on getting back there but it has not been easy at all!

  3. This no sleep thing is wearing me thin. But like you said I have to remember Addy is only 2 and if I don't set the standard what do I expect of her.

    It has been hard. If I am in the middle of doing something I have to stop and make sure she has been bathed and in the bed by 8:30 which requires me laying down with her.

    Small things I have done is moving dinner to 6:30, bath at 7:00 and then giving her an hour to run and play. Night before she went down with no problem. Last night she bucked but then again I didn't get her down until 9:30. Its a process!

    1. See. That's the tough part for me. I get so wrapped up in what I'm doing that I forget to stay on schedule after dinner. I might be cleaning the kitchen, doing laundry or just spending time with my husband and before I know it, it's 8 and I've missed the boat. Like you said, it's a process and I'm working on it.

  4. I'm praying for you! I'm sure she'll get back in order with a couple of days of a real sleep routine.

  5. My 10mo old recently started waking up @ 3:30 AM is brutal. Hang in there girl!

  6. I thought I was the only one! It's so hard but oh so worth it....I hope it gets better!

  7. I have to start being more diligent about a routine as well. It really does help. Noah still doesn't settle until btw 9:30-10:30. I hope to gradually move that up as well. Good luck!


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