Friday, November 23, 2012

Friday Funny

I hope everyone enjoyed their Thanksgiving. I've been feeling a little under the weather so we've been staying close to home. Anyone going shopping today? Have fun and be safe if you are. Enjoy this week's Friday Funny, it's shopping inspired!

this is what happened when my husband decided to do his own laundry. once upon a time this sweater was a very soft and cozy XXL. it is now a shriveled up, hard, crunchy mess. it does fit Sav perfectly so I'll be trying to bring it back to life to use as a "play" sweater. funny.

- posted from my chic iPhone


  1. That sweater! This is John and I reversed. I'm slowly but surely learning how to correctly do laundry!

  2. Lol!!! Too funny. I opted out of black Friday for those very same reasons listed above, I'll take Cyber Monday instead. The pic of the sweater is hilarious

  3. I literally cried from laughing so hard when I saw that sweater. He had just worn it earlier that day so it was funny to see it go from his size to the baby's size!


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