Sunday, November 4, 2012

Swiper Noooo Swiping II

Well we made it to November. I can't say it was frustration free but we made it. This month we are staying with our cash only system. This new way of looking at our money spending habits has been so eye opening. In October I wasn't sure how I was going to make it. It's the fourth day of November and I have to say I am confident about conquering this month.

When we filled up our envelopes last month I had so much doubt. At the end of the month when there was still money left in the grocery envelope I felt such a strong sense of achievement. Knowing that I had saved my family money was a great feeling. I know this month will present it's own set of challenges. Thanksgiving is coming up. I'll be buying some food items that I wouldn't normally purchase. Christmas shopping has got to get done and I can already here that "retail devil" on my shoulder telling me to buy Savannah every cute little thing I see.

Luckily, I have come up with some pretty crafty (at least I think they are) ways to keep our spending in check this holiday season. I created a wish list on Amazon full of all the items that we plan to get her for Christmas. I have done price comparisons all over the web. For me, shopping online keeps me out of the stores and away from temptation. Between the decorations and the Christmas music I am a sucker for impulse shopping. When it's time to pull the trigger for her Christmas gifts I'll be going to her pre-made wish list, filling up my shopping cart and checking out. The "retail devil" won't stand a chance.

Yesterday, that "retail devil" was on back hard. I wanted to buy myself some clothes. Instead of heading to the mall with itchy palms I decided to clean out my closet. I organized all the like items together so that I could really see what I had. By the time I got finish doing that not only did I not feel like going shopping but the desire to buy new things had dwindled. I could clearly see in my closet that I had everything that I "needed".

Of course I want to get in on some of the latest trends for the season and now I know exactly which items I'm looking for. I was able to take an inventory and plan how I'm going to spend my money. I built outfits and made a list just like I would if I were meal planning and making a grocery list. This was a huge step for me. I'm learning that it's about more than limiting our purchases to a dollar amount. It's about giving value to the money that I am choosing to spend.

How has everyone else been doing with their switch to a cash only lifestyle?


  1. That retail devil is a mofo. I kinda want to buy things all the time! Kudos to you for sticking to a budget. I need to create one, fast!

    1. It's not easy but it has put so much into perspective for me. That retail devil jumps on my back sometime and I just have to rebuke him, LOL!

  2. I use my debit card which has to have cash in it so does that count. I don't own any credit cards so I have to use "cash" good luck.

    1. Hahaha! I think whatever works for you counts! A lot of people responded to part one of this series saying that they are more mindful when using their debit cards. That just wasn't true for me and my family. We aren't wasting nearly as much money now that we are using cash.

  3. I've been tempted to switch to cash . . . I can't convince my hubby, though. I agree with your philosophy on using online shopping for Christmas. We've been doing that for 2 years and seems like we spend less . . . I always feel like I don't have enough stuff when Christmas rolls around and end us running out to five below or walmart anyway.

    Stopping by from The Importance of Being Reece's Shutterfly giveaway. I'm a new follower!

    Hope you will swing by and check out More than Mommies! We would love to have you join our Mixer this Friday!

    1. This will be our first year doing Christmas online. I hope that I'm able to stay out of the stores! It will be hard but I'm going to do my best. Thank you for stopping by and will be swinging by your blog too!

  4. I'm pretty good about not spending. The thing is I get these moments when I just have to buy. So to avoid those cravings I try to stay out of the store. I'm not a huge online shopper so that isn't a temptation for me. Everything the children are going to get is already on layaway so I know how much I have to spend to get those things out and that's it.

    1. Staying out of the store helps me a lot too. If I don't go out I won't spend any money. My crutch is eating out. I love eating out and I've found that that's where my money goes. Right to my waistline.

  5. I want to get in on the latest trends too! I don't like to go shopping(for clothes) because I end up buying too much so I do not shop! The last thing I baught was some boots online because the boots that I've been wearing for the past 3 years are too small. I'm still working on how to get my grocery budget down..

    1. You know what? The older I get the less exciting clothes shopping has become for me. I'm not sure what it is but it just doesn't do it for me like it use to... I prefer spending my money on food or other activities now.

  6. We definitely have to work on out budget. Cash only sounds great. I just have to get the mister on board too. I feel like with the co workers there is always some pool or group something that involves money. So I can't monitor that.

    1. The grocery budget seems to be a big thing for people. I'm going to try to keep up with how I meal plan and grocery shop so that I can share with you all. I def use coupons so that helps us save but I also plan our meals so that I'm using all of the things I buy. It's rare for food to sit in our fridge or freezer for long.

  7. Oh and I suck at grocery budgeting.


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