Monday, December 10, 2012

Use Your Filter

Today during a texting jam session with one of my closest friends we talked about how rude some people can be without knowing it. She was telling me about some of the comments she gets about her sweet baby girl. It reminded me about how people made me feel so uncomfortable after I had Savannah. She was a tiny little something when she was born. She was full term but do to my special little uterus she was just tiny. Knowing that didn't make all the comments from strangers any easier. 

Reading my friend's text really reminded me of how clueless some people can be. They don't know that words hurt. I always like to think that one of God's greatest gifts to us was the ability to filter ourselves. You see. Your mouth is a very interesting little gadget. You have the ability to control whether it's open or closed. You can even control what comes out of your mouth. Believe it or not you don't have to say everything you're thinking. Whatever happened to "If you don't have anything nice to say..."

Or maybe we should change that to "Strangers don't need your advice. Zip it." I shared some other crude and sarcastic comebacks with my friend via text earlier so she could at least entertain herself during these awkward situations. Let's remind ourselves that once you walk up to a complete stranger giving unsolicited advice or giving your two cents you open yourself up to a response. Sometimes that response you're opening may be a can of crazy. So. I am going to end this rant by saying if you're one of those people who find it hard to keep some of your thoughts to yourself make it a point to remember your filter. Turn it on and use it. Merry Christmas y'all!


  1. I really hate when people refuse to use the common sense God gifted them. Every one of us is walking a different path, and honestly most of the things we think are so important to share with others about their way of life are none of our business. Especially in the case of openly commenting about the lives of strangers. Once my husband and son and I were in a gourmet supermarket and a woman walked up to tell us how beautiful our baby is. I thanked her for the compliment, and she proceeded to tell me how much she loves mixed babies and how she has two little "cafe ole" grand nephews of her own. She assumed a great deal of familiarity with us because of something she felt we had in common. I know she did not intend to be offensive, but her comment was just ill advised considering she did not know us at all. I wasn't personally offended but I know that others might have been. I honestly don't know what people are thinking when they let some words come out of their mouths.

    1. What you said is so right "Every one of us is walking a different path...", which is exactly why we shouldn't make assumptions about people. You just never know what someone else is going through.

  2. Boom!!! Some people really need to shut it... especially when it comes to children.

    1. My favorite part about this "Boom!", LOL! I love it! You're right, children should always be off limits.

  3. Love it!!! I am going to start telling people to "shut your face...Merry Christmas" (do you remember that story?)

    1. Ha Yes!!!! It will work like a charm, trust me, LOL!!!!

  4. Filtering is important during the holidays!!

  5. Yes yes and yes! I usually call that no-filter-itis.....if you dont have anything nice to say...

  6. You are on the money here! Recently, a woman in line behind me at the grocery store told the cashier, very nastily, I might add, "Can I bag her [referring to me] groceries? Maybe that will be faster." I was appalled because 1) she doesn't know me, 2) she has no idea what kind of person I am or what I could be going through, and 3) she felt so comfortable basically insulting two complete strangers. My hubby always tells me not to take things so personally because it's the other person's issue, but that is definitely not my natural response. At all. I need to get in the habit of praying for the crazies because maybe they mean well. Maybe.


Thank you for taking the time to chat with me!