Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Year's (Eve)

I thought I would stop by and chat for a bit since I won't be posting tomorrow. I can not believe 2012 has come and gone. 2012 has been pretty good to me so I'm actually very excited about 2013. I normally don't make resolutions, but I do try to achieve certain things during the year. Which I guess one could argue that that's the same thing. Resolutions and goals. 

In 2013 I want to continue to have a healthy pregnancy accompanied by a safe and smooth delivery. I want to eventually start doing my pregnancy workouts. With Savannah I did water aerobics when I could and I went for walks on my lunch break with my co-workers. This time around I think I'll do walking and pre-natal yoga. I haven't really gained any weight yet so I need to start exercising before I start packing on the baby pounds. 

Of course, one of my goals for 2013 will be to get back in shape after I have the baby. With Savannah all I did was breastfeed and monitor what I was eating and I lost all my baby weight plus an additional fifteen pounds. Don't hate me. I gained all fifteen of those pounds back once I stopped breastfeeding which put me right back at my pre-pregnancy weight. I am happy at that weight and I hope I can get back there after baby number two. I am not about that diet and exercise life so I'll need to stay in shape while pregnant.

In 2013 I am going to submit my children's book story ideas to publishers and literary agents. I spent too much time in 2012 trying to work on illustrations and self publishing. After doing some research I have decided to try another route to becoming an author. Self publishing is a great option if you can do it, but I am going to try something else in the new year. Wish me luck!

That's pretty much it. Eating right, being positive and becoming a better person don't really need to be on my list because I am always trying to improve upon those things. What are your goals (or resolutions) for 2013? Happy New Year and I'll see you in January!!!


  1. Bf-ing was aaaamazing, but yah...only until I stopped. lol. Cheers.

  2. Hey Tia! I wish you the best in everything, darling! I pray that you will have a wonderful pregnancy and that your children's book writing endeavors come full circle :) All in all, I wish you and your family much love, many blessings, and lots of abundance in the upcoming year and beyond <3


  3. My goals for 2013 are to get back in the hang of eating and cooking healthier. I kind of fell off the wagon with all this frying these last few months. I want to get back in the routine of working out at least 3 times a week. I'll be finishing up and publishing my first adult fiction book. Super excited about that.

    Wishing you a safe and healthy pregnancy and delivery in 2013 as well as good luck with getting your children's book series published. Can't wait until I can pick up copies for Moo and JJ!!

  4. I would love to write a Children's book but that is way down the line in my bucket list. good luck girl. I am sure you will have a better experience this year in your pursuit.


Thank you for taking the time to chat with me!