Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Would You Rather?: The Pregnancy Edition

I was doing some reading on Baby Teems' over the weekend and saw that she had recently played a game of Would You Rather? Since it was a pregnancy edition I thought it would be fun to play too! If you're a blogger feel free to join the fun. 

1.) Would you rather be incredibly, horrendously, excruciatingly nauseous for four months or feel perfectly fine but be confined to bed-rest for all nine months?

Well. Since I was horrendously nauseous for the first four months I am just going to stick with that. I can't imagine being on bed rest. That would have to be worse seeing as how you'd be that way for the entire pregnancy.

2.) Would you rather have psychotic mood swings but only gain 25 pounds, or be the most lovable preggo alive…but gain 55 pounds?

I would rather be psychotic and only gain 25 pounds. Sounds vain but I am not here for anyone's diet or extreme workout plan. I would probably be even harder to deal with during the weight loss period than I was pregnant!

3.) Would you rather have boobs the size of Texas but with a small milk supply, or have inverted nipples and a milk supply that could feed a football team?

This one is easy. Inverted nipples with a huge supply!!

4.) Would you rather have heartburn or hemorrhoids…for nine months?


5.) Would you rather have nine months of insomnia and an infant who sleeps through the night, or nine months of great sleep and a colicky infant?

I would rather have nine months of insomnia and a baby that sleeps. I could catch up on all my missed sleep if my baby slept through the night. ;-)

6.) Would you rather have gigantic cankles and swollen feet for nine months or have your feet grow two shoe sizes during pregnancy?

This is a tough one...I'm going to go with swollen feet. I already wear an eight and a half size shoe. Going up two sizes would be a bit hard to get use to.

7.) Would you rather get stretch marks that look like a grizzly bear attack or varicose veins that look like Google Maps during traffic hour?

Varicose veins. Those already run in my family and I already have them. Mine aren't as bad as a google map (yet) but they are def there!

8.) Would you rather have a delivery doctor who talks about you in the third person or a midwife who constantly tells you that you’re doing a beautiful thing?


9.) Would you rather your birth coach have rotten egg breath or a birth coach who is distracted by the World Series?

I would rather have someone who is distracted. During a time like that the last thing I want is someone with bad breath cheering me on, LOL!

10.) Would you rather the on-call OB be your ex-boyfriend, or the anesthesiologist who gives you the epidural be your high school nemesis?

Since I didn't have a high school nemesis I am going to go with the ex-boyfriend. That would be so uncomfortable and a little awkward.


  1. Uhhh, for many of these, my answer would be a flat out NEITHER! I'd be no fun at this game, but it was fun to read your answers! :)

    1. Some of them were a little tricky, but it was fun!!!

  2. what a fun post...some of these are definitely hard to choose...i would do neither too!! i have to try this one for sure!!

    1. I can't wait to read your answers!!

    2. Me too but don't pick "neither" that is no fun haha

  3. I dont know why I cant comment on blogger through my phone anymore. I was going to say that foot growth is my most fearful symptom. You can get a tummy tuck but you cant get a foot reduction. lol I'm not about to shorten every toe! lol

    1. LOL!!! I never even thought about foot growth until I did this! You never know how your body will respond to pregnancy and I'm just glad my body doesn't do any of the really crazy things!

    2. I'm positive that I went up a 1/2 size. I can't get away with smaller size in any style anymore. Its not fair! I'm only 5'4". #rantover

    3. I'm 5'4 too!!! That's why I'd be devastated if my feet got any bigger, LOL!!!

  4. I started off as a 7 1/2 and 2 pregnancies later I'm wearing an 8.5! And I'm 5'2" so I'm done! LOL Love the post!!! Can't wait to meet your little guy!

    1. I'm so glad my feet didn't grow, LOL!!! Wish I could say the same thing about some of these other body parts!


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