Monday, May 6, 2013

The Terrible Whose (Twos)

Whew. This past week has been very eye opening. Up to this point we have totally avoided any terrible two type behavior. In fact, I don't even call it the terrible twos. I call it the terrible whose because I would like to know whose child this is. Whose child is this because my little Savannah doesn't have her sass turned on all the time.

Don't get me wrong she is definitely sassy and has her moments like most children but the frequency of these moments of sass has been increasing over the week. I can not take it. I've heard a lot of people say that they never experienced the terrible twos. Lately I've heard people say they had a terrible third year. Since we're only a few months away from Savannah's third birthday I can only wonder if that's where we're headed. 

Since we're only in the beginning stages I haven't seen a full on tantrum yet. Right now I've just been hearing a lot of "No!", "Why?" and "Why not?". I have to admit sometimes it makes me chuckle. However,  it's only cute or funny for so long. I have got to nip this new level of sass in the bud. It's hard because I feel like she inherited this attitude. That's no excuse though. 

I'm starting to figure out how to deal with it. I don't want her behavior to get too out of hand. I know some people will say "She'll grow out of it." or "All kids go through this.". I honestly can't wait for her to ride this wave out. She needs to know what is and what isn't acceptable behavior. If I don't teach her that than who will? How have you dealt with behavior changes with your small child? 


  1. I'm still learning! So when you get the answer to this question let me know! My boy got all the questions in the world for me and he is so strong minded...its so hard to tame him sometimes! I'm in year 4 and it hasn't ended...just sayin..

    1. Hopefully someone else will comment and fill us in, LOL!! Year four....Thanks for the heads up! This might last longer than I think.

  2. I find it very interesting the personalities with children! Emma is only 15 months but this month I have noticed a change in her personality again! She is more head strong and doesnt want you to do anything for her. Then I look at my 6 year old niece who you tell her to do something and she has all these looks and "why" and stuff to go along with she's constantly getting in trouble because she thinks its okay to question adults...I dont know the answer either but I guess it doesn't stop at 3! So I guess this serves as a warning! LOL!

    1. These comments are starting to scare me, LOL!!!

  3. "She'll grow out of it." or "All kids go through this" ugh these comments drive me nuts. I don't want Jasmine to "grow" out of it, I want her to learn that behavior is unacceptable. I'm afraid that if I try to let her outgrow it, she's going to think it's okay and continue to behave that way.

    p.s. I love that first ecard. I totally agree!


    1. That's the same way I feel. I want her to learn what behavior is and is not acceptable.

  4. Consistent modeling and positive reinforcement helps a lot. Sometimes there has to be relatable consequences for misbehavior. I've read a lot lately about the "Terrible 3s".

    1. I've been taking the positive reinforcement approach for now. These past couple days haven't been as bad but there is still room for improvement.

  5. That is what scares me. I don't know what is truly a phase. Some say nip this/that and then some say ignore it. Good luck buddy.

    1. I'm all about nipping it in the bud. I can't take kids that misbehave.

  6. I was lucky and missed the terrible twos and then got hit up side the head with the threes and fours. My kids are now 5,6 and 7 so we did it all together it seems like and we threw in a head injury with Autism and ADD and ADHD so my house was and is always interesting.

    One of the best pieces of advice I received was when we are at a store and a child wants something they have grown up with I did not bring money for that and no tantrums or whining.


Thank you for taking the time to chat with me!