Thursday, May 16, 2013

Baby Prep: Big Sister Day

Remember when I talked about preparing baby number one for baby number two? Well as the weeks roll on I am slowly but surely gathering things for Savannah's Big Sister gift. I haven't quite decided on how we're going to celebrate her becoming a Big Sister. I'm thinking I may do a small play date here at home or maybe I'll treat her and a close friend to Chuck E. Cheese one morning. We shall see.

I've been trying to think of fun things to do with her leading up to the baby's birth. We'll be making a Big Sister necklace or a bracelet with noodles and a free printable I found on Pinterest. 

I also found her a super cute Carter's tee on eBay. I initially wanted to get her a different shirt but when I placed my order for clothes for the baby I forgot to add her shirt. Luckily, I was able to find another shirt that I really loved. She is going to be so cute at the hospital!

Another thing I've been working on is building her Big Sister bag. She had been asking me for a backpack (Thanks to Dora) for a while and I figured now would be a good time to get her one. We sat down at the computer together and designed one on the Pottery Barn Kids website. Once she was done picking out what she wanted I ordered the bag and it was here in a few days. Super easy!!! I plan to fill her backpack with fun things and snacks that will keep her occupied while at the hospital. Some of the ideas I had were DVDs (there are DVD players in the Labor and Delivery rooms), disposable camera, play dough, activity book with crayons, candy, Goldfish and maybe a couple other items. My plan is to give her the bag when she comes in to meet her brother for the first time. We will tell her it's a Big Sister gift from her baby brother. 

What else do you think would be fun items for her backpack? I feel like I'm missing something!


  1. Aww, this is precious! I love this idea! I think you have some great items for her bag and the personalized backpack is too adorable :)

    1. Thanks so much!! I just want her to feel loved that day too. I can imagine it's going to be a big change for her.

  2. That is too cuuuute. What about some hair accessories? She might want to play dress up. I think what you have is good though.

    1. My Mom ended up getting her a watch so I think I'm going to let that finish off her backpack. That girl has a dresser drawer full of hair accessories so if she wants to play dress up she needs to pick from that, LOL!!

  3. Well I cant argue there. lol

  4. So, I'm jealous. You're FAR more prepared than I was. I wanted to do a gift for my son and didn't get around to it. (bad mommy) I think you have great ideas of things to add to the bag. She'll be really happy and occupied by what you've listed so far.

    1. I hope she enjoys everything. My Mom sent her a Dora watch to add to her bag and I know she's going to love that!

  5. This bag is too cute...I may just have to get Emma one just because!!! I think Savannah will love it!!!

    1. I think it's a good size bag for them to carry. Now that I'll be carrying a diaper bag again I want her to be able to carry things for herself when she needs to. When we do splash pad days or visits to the zoo she can keep her bag of goodies separate from the baby's.

  6. She's going to love her Big Sister goodies! I wonder if they make special scrapbooks designed for smaller kids to document the process of becoming an older sibling? I wish I would have looked into getting one for Moo when I was pregnant with JJ.

    1. I hope she loves it! I bet they do make scrapbooks for them. That's a great idea as well. You could always make one yourself too!


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