Friday, April 26, 2013

Second Baby Syndrome

Have y'all heard of second baby syndrome? Supposedly it's when you're more carefree about your second baby than you were with your first. It's like you've been there and done that so you don't stress as much. Well. By now you have probably figured out that I am a crazy planner. Let me tell you there is nothing more crazy than a planner that has nothing to plan, haha!!

I keep having this feeling that I should be doing something to prepare for the baby. Don't get me wrong there is some work to be done but it's nothing huge. There's no shower to get ready for, no extensive baby gear research to be done and no books to read. I mean. I guess I could read a book about siblings or having baby number two but honestly I don't have time for that. Google is quicker and cheaper. Not to mention Pinterest probably has every tip and trick known to parents by now.

I just have the weirdest feeling that I'm not doing enough to prepare for my baby boy. I know it's all in my head but I can't help it, haha! The only thing that I still need to do is buy his crib and mattress. Other than that I literally have nothing to do but wait for him. I guess it's a good thing though. Between all my check-ups and appointments (and dance rehearsal and play dates) I don't have time to do much of anything. I'm surprised I even find time to still write this blog. 

Am I crazy? I know I sound crazy! Did anyone else have second baby syndrome or go through this crazy feeling when they were pregnant with number two?


  1. I was totally this way with my second baby. I bought girl clothes at consignment sales and then didn't really do anything else to prepare AT ALL. People kept asking me what I needed and I was like...seriously, nothing. Please don't buy me things. ;)

    1. That's so great to hear!! I keep telling people the same thing,"Don't buy me anything!" Although you can never have enough diapers, LOL!

  2. I havent heard of this but it sounds normal. Why would you be running around like crazy when you have been there before, you know what you like, what you dont like or what you do and dont want to I think its fine!!

    1. Very true! I'm trying to be okay with not having anything to do but it just feels so strange, LOL!

  3. I was a second baby. I got all of my sister's hand me down toys and clothes. My sister on the other hand, was spoiled rotten and had everything spoon fed to her. I guess that's how it normally works, but be careful. For years I felt like my parents didn't love me as much as my sister because of how I grew up.

    btw, that last ecard had me in tears lol


    1. I think the fact that this baby is a boy will help out a lot with that. I have second baby syndrome right now because I don't have much prep work to do. Maybe I'll be more relaxed this time around with some things too. Since we're not having a girl we'll get to avoid a lot of the true second baby syndrome situations. We're so excited to be having a little boy. It'll be nice to have a balance around here, LOL!

  4. I am DYING at these e-cards! I agree that with your second child, you are a little more care-free! I was definitely like that with my second daughter. Even raising her, I seem to be less lenient on her. I find myself having to toughen up when I realize I'm doing it though because I don't want my oldest daughter to feel that I'm being harder on her and letting her younger sister slide. I want to always be fair with the discipline.

    1. Me too! I want to always be fair. People tend to have double standards with girls and boys and I want to make sure that we're as fair as possible. The ecards always crack me up!!!


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