Wednesday, August 14, 2013

31 Days 31 Photos 31 Stories of My Favorite Things

Favorite past time....

I always enjoyed being shape and working out. I am hoping to make the tips in this picture more of a "present" time instead of a past time. My goal is to be a hot Mama by my Flirty30 in February. The lady in the pic is Jeanette Jenkins. I have talked about her workout videos on the blog many times. Her workout DVDs are an incredible beat you down till you can't do no more kind of work out. 

Favorite word or saying...

I am so glad the advice I was given was able to connect with so many of you on Instagram. My Mom said this to me years ago and I never forgot it. I repeat it to myself often. When I feel like I'm going through one of those "Why not me?"situations. It is important to remember that our life journey is not a race or competition but in God's time we will receive all of His many blessings for our life. Complaining gets us no where. Being content doesn't mean you are settling it just means that you are choosing not to compare, compete or complain. If you need a powerful pick me up read this post again.

Favorite view...

The beach. I love the ocean. Savannah asked for a trip to the beach for her birthday and I am beyond excited. (By the way, what kid turning 3 asks for a trip for their birthday.) We'll be visiting this beach next month. Yes. 

Favorite fruit...

I love tomatoes. I eat at least two of them everyday. Sliced on a sandwich or diced in a salad they are my favorite fruit. 

Favorite Jewelry...

This ring was a Christmas gift from my husband a few years ago. I don't wear it often but I think it's beautiful.


  1. Great faves. I definitely agree with the saying. What God has for us is for us. Can't spend time focusing on keeping up with the Joneses.

    1. Amen to that!!! Life got so much better once I embraced that fact.

  2. I really really like that ring. How funny is it that you and my friend Shani have daughters turning three with Beach Birthdays planned just weeks apart? Cute.

    1. Thank you! Girl, it must be the new generation three year olds, LOL!!! I'm like I need to start dreaming bigger for my birthdays, LOL!

  3. What a beautiful blog you have! I love that you are sharing what you love. I really need to listen to that quote more often. Many times I torture myself comparing myself to other bloggers and their successes. I have to just look within and zone that all out.

    I found you on SITS girls and I am happy I did!


    1. Yes. That quote really gets me through some tough moments. Thanks for checking me out! I'll be heading over to your blog today!

    2. I feel the same way too Carmen! I have to remind myself that I'm my own person and successful in my own ways. Love ya Tia!!!

  4. One of my favorite sayings - What God has for you is for you!

  5. I love that quote. Too often we're so focused on what others have, we don't realize our own blessings. They come in all shapes, sizes and forms :)

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Love those quotes!!! I've finally come to LOVE my body and it's "curves". I kept trying to keep "skinny" because I thought that would make it all better but thank goodness for all these fabulous curvy fashionistas I've fallen love with me all over again. And did I tell you I signed up for Jamie Eason 12 week excited! i got the app on my phone and ready to burn some fat.


Thank you for taking the time to chat with me!