Thursday, August 15, 2013

Video Diary 8152013

It's almost Friday and if I wasn't breastfeeding every couple hours I'd certainly toast to the weekend! I wanted to do a video to share some info about my sleepless nights. I also had a funny moment during a play date that I wanted to share.

Oh. And I'll be posting my review of the Yes To Carrots new line of body washes this weekend. If you're already familiar with the brand feel free to get steamy in your shower with this exclusive code for my readers (Y2LINQ) for BOGO 50% off on all Yes To body washes. Don't say I never hooked you up with anything! You will love the body washes. Can't wait to share my thoughts on them. I'm already in super deep love with the Yes To Cucumber and Yes To Blueberries. 

Enjoy the video! I hope you get a good laugh. Sometimes I crack myself up.

*Thanks to Yes To for sponsoring today's (and tomorrow's) post.


  1. It takes a village to raise a kids these days becauses like you said the village person or parent they have might not be teachig them right things or guiding them in the right way. I'm never embarrased now to have to put my two cents in when I see somebody else's kid about to do something to my kid. I'm definitely about that Mommy Life! And in some cases iif we're at the library or an indoor playground and I see another child bulllying others, yes I will go and get an employee.

    Kids will do whatever they think they can get away with. And teach Moo and JJ that the only thing they can get away with is doing the right thing which is being respectful and polite.

    1. I def feel like I'm coming into my own and feeling more outspoken when it comes to dealing with kids. It's a good idea to go get an employee. I probably could have done that instead of screaming, LOL!!

  2. Lol, I about died listening to you talk about the incident at the splash pad. Partly because I would have done the same exact thing. It's funny how parenting can completely cause you to act in ways that you know aren't possibly the most rational if you think someone (even if it's just a kid) is trying to harm your child. That's definitely the Mama Bear reflex right there.

    1. Girl, yes!!! When I mean to tell you it all happened so fast... I'm not even kidding. It was like I transformed! Makes me feel better that you say you would have done the same. So maybe I'm not that crazy after all!

  3. Today was the first I'd ever heard of this brand via Mimi's blog and again with your review. I'd love to see what's what with their products.

    1. Yes to is GREAT!!! Their products are so good that I also entered Mimi's giveaway, LOL!! No shame here! Try them out with the BOGO code. My favorite scents are the Yes to Blueberries and the Yes to Grapefruit!


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