Thursday, August 8, 2013

Pre-School at Home

In an attempt to try not to sound like I'm whining I want to talk about Pre-School and how my child isn't old enough. At first I was very upset that she wouldn't be able to start school. She's ready. After looking up all the schools in our area I learned that the birthday cut off is September 1. Since her birthday falls two weeks after that she wouldn't be eligible for any of the programs this year.

I even looked at putting her in some of the highly recommended private programs. They had programs with curriculums for three year olds, but your child has to be three by September 1. Bummer. I then considered putting her in one of the Mother's Morning Out programs. I figured it would be good for her and she would still be able to learn in a group setting. Once I learned that the MMO program didn't follow a curriculum I decided to take a step back. I was told that the MMO program offers learning through play and that the three year old school is the first time curriculum is offered for students. So, with all that information... I decided that it would be best to continue teaching Savannah at home.

She already participates in activities. We go on play dates and I plan to start taking her to a weekly playgroup once the older kids here go back to school. There is also a program here called Ready Set Learn that's pretty awesome. It's a pre-school type class that meets once a week. We'll be starting that too. My goal is to have her doing something learning related every day. Between the resources that I have available to me thru play groups and Ready Set Learn, her dance class and the activities we'll be doing at home I feel pretty confident in my decision to not put her in a MMO program. Why would I pay for her to go somewhere twice a week when I can get that same learning environment for free? 

I have already started collecting our supplies for our at home learning days. Of course I've been on Pinterest looking up different activities too. I also found a book on Amazon I plan to use as a guide along with a book that I've had since I was a child. I think this will be a good start for us. Here are some of the supplies we have so far. I've been getting paper bags for my groceries for arts and crafts. I love the Leap Frog Learning Skills books for handwriting and worksheet style activities. There are still some things I need to get but I think this is good for now. We already had crayons, paint, playdough, chalk and lots of other art supplies so I didn't have to get much of that. I do however need to stock up on more crafty items like beads, pipe cleaners, colored tissue paper and all those types of materials.

How did you go about getting your little one ready for Pre-K and Kindergarten? 


  1. My son is in pre-K 5 days a week. I have workbooks at home that we do together on the weekends. We also always have at least one outing on the weekends as well. I talk to him about what he did at school and try to build on and reinforce those things as well as things we want him to learn.

    I think it sounds like you have a great plan! Looks like you're prepared to me. :)

  2. Don't you just hate those birthday deadlines? I did flash cards and got Moo some of those dry erase ABCs and numbers books from the Dollar Tree. We also let her watch the Leap Frog movies because she is very much a visual learner. We do crafts and visit the library as often as we can.

    1. I was heartbroken when I found out she couldn't go. I need to check out the Dollar Tree for supplies and tools. That's a great idea. I'm hoping that this will be good enough for her until she can go to school next year.

  3. Im sorry Savannah couldnt get into school this year:( But everything happens for a reason and I think the home-school idea is EXCELLENT!!! I found flash cards for Emma in the Dollar Store, they had some great stuff. A few moms in the Bible Study I go to have homeschooled their kids at this age, I was thinking about it for Emma. Its also a good idea to try the teacher stores, if you have one close to you...they have everything in those stores sometimes I just go in there when looking for certain art supplies!

    1. Teacher stores are a GREAT idea!! I need to google some in my area! I bet they have all kinds of tools and resources. Thanks for suggesting that!

  4. I sort of cheated. My daughter's birthday isn't until October, but her grandmother was a teacher at the school so she was able to get her in.
    It's funny, that was 14 years ago but sure doesn't seem that far back :(

  5. Thats awesome. Thats exactly what I'll do with Noah. I think you are making the right decision and good start. My husband is very anxious about putting Noah into a day school already. He purchased ABC mouse which I didn't see necessary yet but we use it. I still have to help him with the mouse but we started this month. I cant lie...he does try to sound out words. Super Why encourages him as well.

    Some of the things at home we do are side walk chalk for art and learning. I buy educational snacks like animal crackers, and trader joe's school book cookies (letters and numbers). I always tell him the letter or animal before I give it to him. I know Savannah is probably way past that stage but you can always turn it up a notch.

    1. We tried ABC mouse and I didn't like it too much. I'm trying to figure out what the proper next steps are. She knows the alphabet and can identify numbers. I'm not sure if I should be helping her put letters together to form words and introduce simple math... I don't want to make the wrong move. I'm just going to start doing activities to see what she's ready for and go from there.

  6. Hmm good concern. Its OK to me I am going to give it a couple more month before I make the finally decision. I don't think we have to pay for a program like that. And I know that its the name of the program but I hate that he needs the mouse. I can just use flash cards but dad gets so pissed of when I don't try something he likes.

    I think you can form the two and three letter words. She can be able to recognize her name at least. That shouldn't be harmful right?

    1. Yeah you still have plenty of time with Noah. I didn't like ABC Mouse because I felt like there was nothing special about the activities. She was getting the same information and skills from the free apps she plays. I didn't see the value in it for her age. Maybe it's better for older kids...

    2. That's what I think as well. I have to balance my husband sometimes. He gets caught up in all the fancy.

  7. Awesome idea! I love that you're getting her ready at such a young age. Since Jasmine's Birthday is in May she should be able to start the school year in august, but we still want to get move involved with her development ASAP.

    I'll have to check out pinterest for some ideas. Did you find any pins worth sharing?? Would love to pin them to my board for Jasmine.

    1. I did find some pretty good pins. Here is a link to my board with all things kid friendly...

    2. Thanks for sharing. Headed off to go pin crazy now ;)

  8. My little one is only 17 months, so I don't do strict teaching time at home yet, but I did purchase a few leapfrog books that were on sale for the future. Right now I work with him on new signs and sensory activities.

    1. I really like the Leap Frog books. They seem to have very age appropriate activities.


Thank you for taking the time to chat with me!