Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Witness for Fitness 2

You may remember that I starting working out a few months ago. I was doing such a great job. Being consistent. Getting it over with early. I even had (had meaning it has since been deleted) the Nike training app on my phone. Great app by the way. I felt so good in my swimsuit during our trip to the beach. Then something happened that was completely out of my control.

It got hot. Yep. That's right. This heat has put a huge damper on my desire to get out and walk. Thinking about it now the heat has actually nothing to do with me not doing the Nike app or my DVDs but whatevs...I digress. I haven't been doing anything since the summer started. Nothing. Which isn't good because I have a long season of "snack n swims" and pool play dates ahead of me.

I wore a tankini to the pool today. While I'm pretty sure I looked okay, I felt so uncomfortable. Like I've said before I don't really focus on weight or a number. I focus more on a feeling and how my clothes fit. With that being said if I did focus on a number I'd like to see what my current weight was and then subtract from it, haha. I don't own a scale because if I did I would be obsessing over it.

The truth is I'll probably never have the athletic frame I had while in college. I need to stop obsessing over that too. That shouldn't be the standard that I hold myself to. Part of the pressure to be a fabulous Mom is being in great shape. I'm up for that challenge. It's time for me to dust those Jeanette Jenkins DVDs off and start over. Ugh, those workouts kill. If you haven't heard of her do a little Googling. She's a beast and her workouts are not a game.

Wish me luck! How do you ladies stay in shape? 


  1. I too have had problems working out now that it has gotten so hot. I use to get on my treadmill and run 2 miles 6 days a week as soon as I woke up and then take my girls for a 2 mile walk after breakfast. I kept that routine for 3 months and lost 50 pounds of baby weight. Then I got comfortable with the number on the scale. We still do the 2 mile walk daily at least. I am trying hard to get motivated again. I tried insanity for a week. I didn't like it. I can only bring myself to walk.

    1. Yep. Walking is my favorite workout. I figured out that if we can get out by 7:30am we can beat the heat, but that's tough since my little one doesn't wake up until 7. Maybe she could go in her PJs? After all, she'll just be riding in a stroller...It's so hard not to get comfortable. That's what happened to me. Luckily, we can always start over!

  2. Hey, if it's hot I workout indoors and do my DVD workouts. Or I get up early and do my workouts. I love Zumba. I workout with Leslie Sansone walk away the pounds, P90X2, THe FIRM, Hip hop abs, and Kettlebell dvd to name a few. I mix it up so my body doesn't get use to doing the same thing.

    1. I'm planning on getting up early tomorrow to walk the track. Hopefully I can make it out there before it gets too hot!


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