Monday, March 28, 2016

Operation Snap Back™ Link Up: The No Sugar Challenge

Last week on the Facebook page I shared that I was doing a meats, veggies and fruits only challenge with a friend. At the beginning of the week I was skeptical about the results I would see but towards the end of the week I definitely noticed a change.

First of all I was less bloated. Way less bloated. The puffiness in my face, arms and tummy went down quite a bit. This reminded me that my body responds (good or bad) to what I'm eating. I'm not one of those people that can eat whatever I want as long as I'm working out. I have to eat right too and this challenge reminded me of that.

The next thing that I noticed was that my metabolism shot up. Brace yourself for TMI - but I was very regular. More than I've ever been since having Moses. It's been great. Pooping makes me feel like toxins are being released so I'm normally pretty bummed if I miss a day of pooping. Aren't you glad you know that about me now?

One of my favorite benefits from the challenge was the fact that my skin seemed to respond really well. My skin seemed brighter and clearer. I actually have a glow that I didn't buy from MAC - that's been nice too, not gonna lie.

So I'll be doing the challenge again - as soon as I finish eating this Chinese we're having for dinner. I plan to start again this coming Monday. I'm running a 5K in May and my training for that will start April first.

Before this post is over I also want to share that my husband participated in a fitness show this past weekend. It was such an eye opening experience to the sport. We learned a lot. Mainly - that you are literally what you eat. He did great and he plans to do another show soon!

Do you have a fitness related post or story to share? Fatima and I would love to hear your story! Use the hashtag, #OperationSnapback on Instagram or drop your link here to share your blog post. 


  1. Where are the buff women? Looks like your husband did a great job. I guess you are up next. lol You are what you eat. That is why it's taking me so long flatten this tummy. I also have had issues with digestion lately. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Nah - I don't have it in me to do a show, LOL!


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