Monday, September 22, 2014

Hello Autumn...

Do you guys remember when I posted this video on the first day of Fall last year?

My calendar says that the first official day of Fall is tomorrow but since everyone is giving Fall a shout out today I will too. Autumn is my favorite season.

I love how crisp the air is and the way Fall smells. Something about Fall makes me want to just kick back and spend time with my family. It's so peaceful.

Right when the season starts I like to make some Chow Chow to enjoy for the next couple months. I also love to make boiled peanuts. Savannah loves them. That's the Carolina in me - loves me some salty boiled homemade peanuts. Have you had them? Thank me later.

Everything about Fall makes me happy. The overuse of my crockpot, planning and cooking Thanksgiving dinner and making Fall favorites like Pinto Beans, yum! Fall food is so comforting.

Of course, I also love Fall fashion. Leopards, greys, layers and being able to wear black almost everyday.

leopard scarf hat fall layers
 fall fashion layers

Now that my favorite season is here I'm ready to take the kids to a pumpkin patch, make some warm tea and take naps on Sunday afternoons while football plays in the background.

Are you as excited about Fall as I am? Any special Fall traditions you want to share?

Oh. And just in case you aren't quite ready to leave Summer behind visit my Autumn Pinterest board for all things Fall.


  1. I've been waiting for Autumn to arrive! This is my first fall in an area with seasons in years. I'm getting excited about buying fall/winter clothes. Your boots are super cute!

    1. Thank you! I found those boots at Aldo a couple years ago. I love them! They go with just about everything. ;-)

  2. I'm a fan of fall too. I'm looking forward to taking family walks and enjoying the scenery.

    1. Same here!! The baby and I have been doing morning runs and walks now that the weather is slightly cooler. It's been great! Happy Fall!

  3. Been ready! I'm going to pick up some pumpkins tomorrow just for the occasion. I have our trip to the pumpkin patch and apple orchard all scheduled. I think I am more excited that the children are!

    1. We'll be getting our porch together next week. They have already put the pumpkins out I'm just waiting another week so they won't rot before November hopefully. I want some mums too but this Texas heat is really bad on flowers. It's cooler here in the mornings but the afternoons are still pretty warm. Can't wait to see your porch on the blog!

  4. I am so excited for Fall I just which our weather down here in NC would catch up with the calendar. I am so ready for my sweaters, scarves, boots and all things fall...

    1. YES! It will be cooler there soon. I wish I could say the same for Texas. I just switch my wardrobe in October, LOL! It'll still be warm but I wear my clothes anyway. ;-)

  5. I LOVE your gray, layered outfit! Everything just works so well together in that look!! Thumbs up, girl!

    1. Thank you! Can't wait to bring that coat back out soon!

  6. I used to be such a fan of Fall when I lived in the Midwest. I still like it but I don't get to enjoy the Fall fashion as much since I live in L.A.

    1. Living in Texas is the same way. We don't get a true Fall season but I take what I can get, LOL! I still wear my Fall clothes but I just don't layer up as much unless it's chilly enough.


Thank you for taking the time to chat with me!