Sunday, September 16, 2012

Chic Link Up: Sunday Social

I'm linking up with the girls from Sunday Social again! I love their Sunday surveys. If you're a blogger you should join the fun! Today was pretty low key for us. We all went to the gym this morning and this afternoon we're having dinner with some family members that are also stationed here in San Antonio. I can not wait for a home cooked meal. You can only eat out so much before you get sick of it.

Tomorrow the furniture store will be delivering the new pieces of furniture we ordered. I am so excited. We finally have a grown up bed and a kitchen table that's a little more family friendly. I'm on the hunt for the perfect comforter for our room. I found a gorgeous Ralph Lauren comforter at TJ Maxx, but they didn't have it in a king. Womp. Womp. I'll keep checking them out or maybe I'll hit up Macy's clearance section. Where do you find nice sheets at a great price?

Sunday Social

1. What are 3 items you can't live without on a daily basis? (water, food, shelter, and clothes don't count) I honestly can't live without my iPhone (who can?), lip gloss and my glasses or contacts. I am blind as a bat without them.
2. What is your all time favorite book? There are so many books that I am in love with. I would have to say my favorite book right now would be DeVon Frankilin's Produced by Faith. Why? His book gives a great road map on how to place your faith at the forefront of your career. It has been a tremendous help. I've been sharing some excerpts on Instagram if you want to check them out.

3. What is something you'd like to accomplish before the end of 2012? Gee. That's a tough one. I would love to say that I'd like for my children's book to be finished but that goal is a little unrealistic. I'm still working on getting the illustrations right. Before the end of 2012 I would like to be more fit. I would really love it if I could get my blood pressure down into the normal range. Right now my levels are borderline. Not cool.

4. If you could go back and relive any year of your life which year would it be? If I could be 19 again that would be great. I didn't make the best choices back then. I did learn a lot from my mistakes but I would definitely accept the opportunity for a do over.

5. What do you wish people knew about you without you having to tell them? I wish people knew that I was kind and open minded. I also wish people knew that I have a pretty great sense of humor. Some even say I'm funny. I think I walk around with such a straight face that my actual personality is probably a surprise to most. I should work on that!


  1. good luck writing your childrens book :) how exciting! stopping by from ss! cant wait to read more about your blog! its super cute :)

  2. Great's to hoping you get the blood pressure down:-)


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