Thursday, March 20, 2014

Preschool at Home: Establishing a Routine for Learning

Whew. Hello. I feel like I have been neglecting the blog a lot lately. A while ago I talked about simplifying our schedule by taking a couple weeks to quiet my life and regroup. That's where I've been the past couple weeks. Quieting our routine so that I can get a good understanding of what can stay and what can go.

The weather here has been beautiful. Hello Spring. We've been hanging out at the playground a lot. Once the triple digits hit in a couple months it'll be hard to get out to play so I'm trying to let Savannah soak up sun while she can...

It has been really great enjoying them. Taking the time to worry less and play more has been a huge sense of relief for me. It also gave me the time to determine exactly what I want our schedule to be going forward. It's hard to revise your schedule/routine when you're always doing something or going somewhere. While all of her activities were on Spring Break last week I took that opportunity to really figure out what's going to work best for us.

I discovered a lot. Mainly that we were not getting nearly as much playtime in as I thought. Don't get me wrong we were going to play dates, classes and dance but my little family wasn't getting much play time together. We were playing with everyone else but each other, LOL!

As Savannah approaches the age of four and BabyM turns one I want us to settle into what I think is going to be the routine that works for us. It's a 50/50 learn and play routine. The best of both worlds. In the mornings we'll do all of our learning and development. When the baby goes down for his nap Sav and I normally eat lunch. Once he's up, we'll play together until it's time to make dinner. We can go to a playground or play some of her board games. Whatever she wants.

handwriting practice. she's getting better. we've got to work on that backwards N though.

During my little hiatus I also figured out exactly what our learning goals are going to be. I know what I want to teach them. I'll share my goals for learning in a different post. So far our new schedule has been working out really well. I still have some fine tuning to do with grocery shopping and housework. It's a work in progress but at least I can say we are progressing.

Have you changed your family schedule lately? Have any plans to?


  1. The photo shows a lovely weather over there. I personally think I haven't had so much play time with my son nowadays. My bad! And I know it's extremely important to get him going and running around as much as he can instead of just watching movies on the computer for the entire day. Good job to your handwriting practice! :)

  2. Im so jealous of the weather!!! The pictures are beautiful!!! Hopefully one day it will warm up in Cleveland! LOL!!! I love reading your educational post...reading your post kicked me into gear with Emma!!! Staying on a schedule is hard work!!! We did good for a few weeks now we are back to being all over the place...I gotta get us back on schedule...AGAIN!!!

  3. I see that spring is only on your side of town. LOL Glad that you have regrouped.

  4. LOL, I agree with the triple digits. We tend to go outside more in the Spring around here as well. Once Summer rolls in, it's pretty much unbearable. I'm sorry, but 105 degrees is too hot to be outside playing. Even in the morning!

  5. Man I hear you on this one! Seems like we have so much going on outside of the home when we do get together it's homework, bath, and be! I'm working on getting a schedule going for us too! Good luck!


Thank you for taking the time to chat with me!