Monday, March 17, 2014

Married & Dating: A Lasagna Dinner

Yay! So today is the first month for the Married & Dating link up! This is a link up that celebrates the courtship that exists in marriage. As women, we're busy with kids and work and sometimes it's hard to make time to keep the dating relationship alive with our husbands.

For us, it's hard to get a traditional date night. We don't have a sitter unless family comes to visit so many of our dates are done as a family or right here at home. My husband and I really try to make the most out of our time after our kids go to sleep. That's why I am a stickler for that seven thirty bedtime…

Today was no different. I mentioned before that I love creating my husband's favorite meals for him. So this weekend I wanted to do lasagna with a twist. We started off dinner with a salad. (If you look really close you can see Sav on her tricycle.)

For the lasagna I tried something new. I might share the "recipe" in a different post if anyone wants it. This was a Chicken and Shrimp Pesto pasta with Mushrooms and Zucchini. It was banging. My husband loved it. For dessert we had brownie fudge chocolate chip cookies courtesy of Pillsbury. They were so good and we devoted them before I could take a pic. 

After our tummies were nice and full we snuggled up on the couch to catch up on our DVR. I had previously recorded Silver Linings Playbook. Ever since I saw it get so much acclaim during the awards season last year I wanted to see it. Just in case it wasn't good we had Argo as a back up. 
I feel like someone's DVR says a lot about them, LOL! Check out our mix of kid friendly and adult only shows up there. Banshee is such a good show...
And here is my look from today on our way home from church. My husband likes the all natural look. It was super windy so I wore a hat to church with my LBD. Once we were home I changed into a more relaxed outfit.

During the week things are so busy that we don't get to have a lot of quality time together so I really cherish our time together on the weekends. This is what I call a home date or couch date. Can't wait to link up with everyone again next month! We'll be doing this on the third Monday of every month.

What do you think about the lasagna I made? Would you like the "recipe"?


  1. Yes, Tia! Please share that recipe, girl! We eat salad + pasta around here a lot, so I would love to try a new pasta dish. And it looks so yummy! Oh and honey, you're such a natural beauty! I love that hat!

    1. Oh and I had to come back and ask how you liked Silver Linings Playbook!

    2. I'll share the recipe! Something told me to go ahead and do it this time, LOL! Silver Linings Playbook was good. Def check it out!

  2. This is a great idea!! Also, I can't believe your kids go to bed at 7:30-- mine doesn't until about 9. Truth is, if we would put him to bed so early we wouldn't see him a lot during the week. You might have inspired me to link up (now I just have to write about my date night!)

    1. By 7:30 we're all ready for bed, LOL! Link up with us there is still time!

  3. I should add- ARGO is phenomenal... (and we just saw Silver Linings Playbook this weekend too!)

  4. Honestly I love home dates...they are the best!!! Its nice to get dressed up but even better to be comfortable at home! Your natural look is BEAUTIFUL!!! Our DVR has a mixture of adult and children shows too (parenthood for you) LOL! We have a ton of Doc McStuffins and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse...your dinner looks good too!!! Yes, come on and share that recipe with the rest of us! LOL!

    1. Girl yes, our DVR has a little bit of ery'thang on it! I'll have to share the recipe. Something told me to take multiple pics during the cooking process but...

  5. Most of our dates are at home dates too watching a movie and sharing some snacks. That pasta dish sounds good. I loved eating pasta before going grain free.

    1. Home dates are the best! I love begging out on the couch with my husband, it's the best!

  6. Yes please post that recipe, it sounds delish! This is normally how my husband and I spend our nights. I'm also a stickler for bedtime...8 o'clock on the dot, I need some mommy/daddy decompressing time alone.

    1. Yes! You feel me! That early bedtime does wonders for our relationship. I NEED that time. I will post the recipe, it was delish!

  7. NOOOOO! I'm on a juice cleanse. And I was feeling pretty good. Until I stopped by and saw this amazing looking lasagna. Now I'm having a relapse. I blame you. And your "amazing" lasagna."

  8. Mmhm that sounds yummy!! I'm all over this next week...

  9. Girl my husband would be giving me the side eye if he saw your date night. LOL I am so glad we had a great turnout.


Thank you for taking the time to chat with me!