Monday, August 1, 2016

Operation Snap Back™: 21 Day Fix Extreme FINAL Results

21 Day Fix Extreme Results

Yesterday was the last day of my 21 Day Fix Extreme challenge. For 21 days I worked out, ate clean and ran 25 miles with the girls from Operation Snap Back™. I completed all of my challenges and I'm still alive.

Not gonna lie, this past week was hard. I was tired. Mikey caught a cold. Moses started crawling. The laundry piles got higher and higher but we all made it. 

21 Day Fix Extreme Results

To say that I am amazed at my results would be an understatement. I honestly can not believe I went from not even being able to suck in my stomach to not having to suck in my stomach at all. What a difference 21 days can make.

I'm even mentally in a better place as far as food is concerned. I still crave all my favorite things but moving forward my goal is to enjoy them in moderation. Let me be clear - I still plan to eat all the things I love. But from here on out I'll be eating clean more and indulging myself less.

I'm going to practice some restraint and keep moving toward my goal of maybe one day having an ab or two.


21 Day Fix Extreme Results


21 Day Fix Extreme Results

Here are the most important lessons I learned during the past 21 days:

- Giving myself 30 minutes a day to workout isn't going to make this family fall apart.
- I will never like burpees.
-A life without french fries is not worth living.
- Eating clean is much easier than I thought it would be.
- I may need to give up certain dairy products for good.
- Waking up early to workout is worth it.

My next 21 day challenge starts today. This time around I will be alternating my workouts between 21 Day Fix Extreme and Cize. I will be keeping my same meal plan. My goal is to eat clean for another 21 days and on the 21st day I will eat whatever I want for dinner. I like to celebrate with a treat meal.

Here are my measurements from start to finish:

July 11, 2016               July 18, 2016                    July 24, 2016                July 31, 2016
Chest - 33.5                  Chest - 33                        Chest - 32.5                 Chest - 32
Left Arm - 12               Left Arm - 12                  Left Arm - 12              Left Arm - 11.5
Right Arm - 12            Right Arm - 11         Right Arm - 11.5 (muscle?) Right Arm - 11.5
Waist - 32                    Waist - 30                        Waist - 29                     Waist - 28
Hips - 40                      Hips - 39                          Hips - 39                      Hips - 38.5
Left Thigh -24             Left Thigh - 22.5             Left Thigh - 22.5          Left Thigh - 22.5
Right Thigh - 23.5      Right Thigh - 22.5           Right Thigh - 22.5        Right Thigh - 22

I lost a total of 11 inches. During August my goal is to continue to tone up. I really don't want to lose any more inches. If you have any questions about what I'm doing feel free to ask. Visit the Operation Snap Back™ Facebook page to join the next fitness challenge and be motivated through your own journey. 


  1. Way. To. Go. *fist bump* I'm so impressed with your results. I think learning to take 30 minutes for ourselves can be one of the hardest things that moms have to accept. When my kids were little I used to spend my private time in the bathroom crying. Seriously. Working out is so much better. LOL

    1. Thank you Daenel! That was one of the hardest parts of the challenge for me. Waking up before my kids to have that time was a little hard at first. Now I can't imagine not waking up to workout. This program was a great way to make a lifestyle change. I'm glad I stuck with it. Cheering you on too!

  2. You are amazing!!! I'm so proud of you and so thankful that you chose me to be your coach!!

    1. Thank you!! Looking forward to the challenge this month!

  3. Awesome!!!!! I'm so inspired! I can't wait to see what my final results are next week!

  4. Way to go! Good for you for staying with it and you got great results! Here's to feeling healthier and stronger!

  5. Tia! You are such an inspiration! I've been watching your snaps and you are so determined! You look great!

  6. Amazing!!! Just amazing think I'll try next!!thanks for the inspiration

  7. Amazing thanks for the inspiration

  8. Wow! You look sooooo amazing! I've officially started working and eating cleaner this week. I'm not quitting this time. Thanks for the inspiration!

    1. Thank you so much! Don't quit! Push yourself even when you don't feel like working out. I find that those are the days that you get you results!

  9. You inspire me! Your results are fantastic! I keep starting and stopping... and these thighs, hips and tummy only seem to continue to grow! The heat wave this past week didn't help but now that things have cooled down, I'll give waking up before baby to exercise a try!

    1. Thank you! I just wrapped up my second round of 21 Day Fix Extreme and I have to say that it has helped so much having a plan. I think that helps a lot with the starting/stopping or letting our lives get in the way. Good luck with your fitness journey, you can do it!


Thank you for taking the time to chat with me!