Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Hello December...

It's the last month of the year and I can not believe it. Where did 2014 go?

I hope your Thanksgiving was delicious. Our's was great. Very low-key and chill. It was perfect. After dinner we put up our Christmas decorations. I have officially jumped into the Christmas spirit even though it's just beginning to look like Fall here.

Fall tree color

I've been playing Christmas music and doing holiday themed activities with the kids. This week Savannah and I are talking about the Advent calendar. I really should start wrapping their gifts but there's something about procrastinating until Christmas Eve that I enjoy.

On another note, I have been reflecting a lot about this space. My goal for 2015 is to be more consistent (which was also my goal for 2014 - don't judge) and to really allow this blog to be a reflection of my life. In 2015 I also hope to become a certified personal trainer. My textbooks and study resources have been ordered and I am anxiously awaiting their arrival. Highlighters would be an awesome stocking stuffer for me this year, hint hint.

More on how I came to the decision to become a CPT later. Have you already started on your goals for 2015? I know, I know, we gotta thru Christmas first, right?


  1. I need to do my goals for 2015. It seems like some are the same every year. I need to do better. Good luck with being a CPT and on the rest of your goals.

    1. Girl yes!! I've been rocking with some of these goals for a while, LOL! I have to do at least one of them next year!!!

  2. I've already started and my blog space is at the top of my list. I've been trying to get my thoughts together and make the visual changes. One of my majors is going to be integrating Youtube and videos into the mix. I'm excited about the changes.

    Our Thanksgiving was low key as well. I managed to pull everything together at the last minute. I'm proud of myself. Can't wait to hear about your new venture!

    1. I'm such a big fan of your blog. The Day in the Life videos are so fun to watch!

  3. Good for you. I haven't even bothered to put CPT on my list because I messed that one up this year lol. GOOD LUCK! I would love to hear more about what program you are taking - Maybe it will influence me to join you. :-)

    1. Mmm, Teems I totally think you should do it!!! I think I've said that to you before, LOL! It's right up your alley and you're already so good with motivating others.

  4. Good luck on your CPT venture. NYE goals have always been an issue for me. For some reason I just can't stick to them. Hopefully I will have better luck this time around.

    1. I normally don't do resolutions but there are a couple things I'd like to see happen next year. Thanks for luck I'll need it! :-)

  5. I need to do goals for 2015 as well.
    Glad your Thanksgiving was nice and I am totally with you-I have gone into full Christmas mode at my house.

    1. YES!! I'm listening to Christmas music and everything. Tis' the season now that Thanksgiving is over. Merry Christmas!

  6. Dang, I can't think of one goal. lol Can't wait to hear about your CPT goals!

    1. Trust me, it took me all of 2014 to figure out that I needed to move forward with this one. I'm always afraid of making resolutions but I figure if I only make 2 then my chances of completion should be pretty good.

  7. Hey Tia! I wish you the best of luck with your CPT endeavors! I know you will rock that out. I'm going to send you some highlighters lol. And I feel you with the consistent blogging. Real life took over and my blog suffered :( But my main goal is to revamp my blog and get things back on track.

    I wish you the best with everything, love! I hope that you and the fam are well :)

    1. Yes Drea! Whenever real like stuff happens my blog gets out on the back burner. Thanks so much for the kind words!


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