Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Thought Bubbles...

I am slowly but surely getting back into the groove of things...

Mommy and me swim lessons are more like water aerobics with a thirty pound weight...

Summer break is halfway over...

I'm not sure how I feel about school starting back in August...

She's gotta go though...

Little Mike is all boy; all the time...

I love it though...

Cheer camp starts again in a couple weeks. I'm ready to meet the campers...

I was going to make spirit sticks for everyone but then I noticed that the Dollar Tree has them so...

I'll still make them certificates though. That was a big hit last year...

My favorite night time fragrance got discontinued before I had a chance to stock up...

That happens every time I fall in love with mist or spray for bedtime...

I still haven't learned to braid. I have until August 24th...

Right now I'm listening Frankie Beverly & Maze via Apple Music. Apple Music is my new favorite thing...

I finally found a good Chinese restaurant here in San Antonio. It only took me almost three years...

You can now shop any of the items featured on my blog along with my favorite Mom Must Haves in my NEW Amazon store...


  1. I've been trying to learn how to braid too. I did an ok job this week, but it still was good enough for going out in public I need to practice some on my on hair to help me get the hang of it.

    1. Same here! I can do it but I would never send her out into the world like that, LOL! I have watched so many YouTube videos... I'm not sure what I'm not doing right. I may need to look for another protective style for her.

  2. I seriously thought I was the only mom out there who didn't know how to braid. Glad to see I'm not the only one lol

    I also can't believe summer break is almost over and Neriah will be back in school in no time... Makes me a little sad :(

    1. I'm sad about school starting up again too. We've been a nice laid back Summer. I'm going to miss her when she goes back to school.

  3. I can't believe summer is winding down. I'm so not ready for school to start back next month. Not even going to pretend I'm excited about because I'm not. Try eBay or Amazon to see if you can hunt your fragrance. They always manage to have stuff that has gone out of stock.

    1. Ooo that's a great idea!! I found another one to replace it but like I said I bet it'll get discontinued now that I have it, LOL!


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