Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Thought Bubbles...

I do not have a pregnancy glow. Concealer, blush and an Instagram filter helps me accomplish that look for pictures though...

I have been eating so many salt and peppered tomatoes that I feel more Southern than I ever have in my whole life. I'm pretty sure I'm going to give birth to a vine of tomatoes...

There is someone here fixing the leak in Sav's tub. It will leak again in two weeks and they'll have to come back out to fix it again...

I love living in this old "historical" house but I'm always calling maintenance for something...

The people on the yard sale page for my neighborhood have inspired me to do a Vlog. They are that ridiculous...

I have made seventy three dollars selling Savannah's clothes and shoes. I haven't even put a dent in her wardrobe yet. This could be lucrative...

My wedge sneakers are everything. I am so in love with them. They were worth the wait and the twenty-five dollars I spent on them...

My skin is finally starting to clear up again. Hopefully I won't look like a pubescent teenager until July...

Apparently, my daughter is allergic to the "air"(pollen) in San Antonio. I'm sure that's going to make for an amazing summer...

I need a pedicure. Like three months ago...

This pregnancy has been great for my hair. My afro has been looking phenomenal. That's seeing the glass half full...

I am very excited about meeting our baby boy. I bet he's going to look just like his Dad and sister...

I'm not a fan of the hiatus that Scandal has been on. I need my Scandal Thursdays...

All the kitchen stuff that Savannah got for Christmas is slowly starting to show up all over the house. Her Aunts got her all that food. When they have kids I'm getting them the largest tub of Leggos I can find. Or a 2000 piece puzzle. Whichever seems like the best revenge at the moment...


  1. HAHAHA! Cracking up at the 2000 piece puzzle. Don't you just love when people buy your kids gifts that come with a million little pieces. And I bet you look adorable! Can't wait to "meet" your little guy this Summer!

    1. Hahaha, yeah they pick on me about having to pick up all that kitchen food but they don't even know what's coming to them!!!!

  2. Pregnancy glow? What's that? People said I had it. I never saw it and I don't see it in other pregnant women lol. Good job with the sales. You're doing great if you have a lot more. I found out a couple years ago my youngest is allergic to pollen. Yesterday it started. The puffy itchy eyes are back and picture day was today. And I'm with you, I need a pedicure badly! That play food gets everywhere. I hate it. I just got rid of my girls before Christmas and they had it for years and never seem to run out.

    1. I wonder the same thing...What is a pregnancy glow and where can I buy it? LOL!!! I don't know what I'm going to do about all that kitchen stuff but I've got to find a way to start keeping it in one place.

  3. Did someone say pedicure?! The bottom of my feet feel like sandpaper. I will be there before the week is out.

    I despise when people buy my kids things with a million pieces or that make a lot of noise....especially when they have children of their own

    1. Sandpaper Mimi, LOL!!! I can't!!! Yeah they don't have kids so right now they think it's funny.

  4. I sure hope no one is out to pay me back for anything I have bought for their kids in the past. I am going through Scandal withdrawal myself...

    1. I saw on twitter that it doesn't come back until March 21. How am I going to make it until then???

  5. This was so cute...I've had similiar thoughts at one point or another...

  6. i was looking through your pictures and i think you look amazing. i can't believe i am not reading your blog already :)

  7. I want to try out wedge sneakers so bad. I need a pedicure longer than 3 months ago. :)

    1. I waited a long time to find the perfect pair on a good sale. It was so worth it!!

  8. You do have the pregnancy glow!!! You look great!! I must admit I LOVE my wedge sneakers too...I need another pair to change them out!!!

    1. Thank you!!! I love the wedge sneakers I got from Target. It took me forever to find them in my size and on sale but when I did I was so happy!:-)


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