Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Sleepless with Savannah

I shouldn't be calling this Sleepless with Savannah anymore. She's actually sleeping great now. But since I couldn't come up with a better name for this post I decided to stick with what I knew. So. As you might remember I was originally thinking about doing a shared nursery. I thought it would make it easier for me and I still believe that it will to some degree.

I'm starting to feel a little anxious about them sharing a room. Mainly because I don't want her waking up every time the baby does. She's pretty good about going back to sleep if she does wake up in the middle of the night but still...I just don't want to have to deal with that. I'll be nursing, changing diapers and doing too much for it to not bother her sleep. I think she'll sleep better in her own room. I think we'll all sleep better if she's in her own room.

Lately, I've been tossing around the idea of changing the guest room into her big girl room. The room isn't really that big. All of her toys and books would have to stay in the nursery. Which I like because it keeps all the toys in books in one place. She'll have plenty to keep her busy when I'm nursing. My plan is to decorate the guest room with her current room decor and decorate the current nursery for our baby boy. I could just be creating more work for myself but I'll do whatever it takes to keep getting some sleep. 

We'll see how things go. Right now I'm still in the brainstorming stage. If your toddler and newborn shared a room please share how that worked out for your family. I would love to hear about some of your experiences!


  1. My three year old and 9 month old share a room. We're always sprinting to their room when she wakes in the middle of the night. I thought she'd be sleeping through the night by now - homegirl is not on board with that.

    Hindsight, I'd like her in her own room. Although, one morning she woke up crying and I could hear my son over the monitor telling her, "It's OK, big brother's here". She calmed down and they just laid in their beds "talking" until I came in their room. It was really sweet.

    1. See. That's what I'm thinking too. I might regret not having split them up down the road. That's such a sweet story. I hope my daughter is that good with her little brother.

  2. See...I didn't know you had a guest room. Thats nice. I thought about that too when you mentioned the shared nursery. I may have even mentioned that. I do know a lot of kids who share rooms but after a few months down the line. The babies usual just stay with the parents until the right time. However, with a boy and girl...its nice that they can have their own spaces.

    1. I originally wanted to turn my husband's "man cave" (and I use that term loosely) into a new nursery. I don't that's gonna happen though, LOL!! So I'm thinking about giving up the guest room. That's what I was thinking too. Since it's a boy and a girl it would be nice for them to have their own rooms. I guess it's not as much of a big deal now as it will be when they are older. We'll probably move again before this baby is two so in our next house I will def splitting them up.

  3. I can't be of much help on this topic because we cosleep since it's just me and the kids home at night. However, Moo and JJ will definitely have their own space when it comes to time to move one of them into their own room. Moo is an early riser and sleep talker. Where as JJ prefers to sleep in and absolute quiet.

    1. I am so afraid to co-sleep with the new baby. I didn't do it with Savannah until we moved and it took us months to get her back in her own bed. I just don't sleep very well when she's in bed with us.

  4. i am still a mum of one but i think if we have another baby we would keep the newborn in our room for awhile.

    1. I considered doing that but I'm just not that good at sleep training when they're in our room. My daughter only lasted about a week or two in our room after she was born. I eventually moved her because I wasn't sleeping well with her. I wish I could do it. Lots of Moms have success with co-sleeping.

  5. No 2nd bub yet, but I wonder about that too. I think i'll keep them slip until the new bub..that doesn't exist yet ;)...has sleeping through the night down.



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