Tuesday, June 11, 2013

30 Things: Describe Your Most Embarrassing Moment...

I've had lots of embarrassing moments. However, the most embarrassing moment of my life has to be the time I went to the ER for a laxative gone wrong. I really don't need to go in to too much detail because it will gross you out. So. In an effort to give you the story without changing the way you think of me here it is...

I had been sick and was having problems pooping. "Someone" advised me to take a laxative. I did. The laxative started working but nothing would come out. After dealing with this for a few hours we decided to head to the ER. Once at the ER things got REAL ugly. To make a long story short, I no longer had a problem getting things to come out. It was a hot mess. Literally. Poop was every where. Very embarrassing. The only thing that makes this story that much better (or worse) is that all of this went down at the hospital where my husband works. Nice.

Your embarrassing moment can not possibly beat this. Share your story in the comments!


  1. Lol...funny that my most embarrassing moment was similar...heehee!

    1. Hahaha!! I read your story this morning!! Hey, it happens to the best of us!

  2. Awww, man! I don't think I have ANYthing that can touch that! Ha!

    1. Can you imagine all of this happening in front of your husband? He still picks on me about it...and it's pretty funny!

  3. I'm over here hurting my head trying to top that and I got nothing... Girl, that's a mess. Literally!

  4. My husband's grandmother opened a box that we hadn't unpacked yet and found my, um, very lifelike adult "massager"..

    1. That's HILARIOUS!!! What do you even say in a moment like that? LOL!!


Thank you for taking the time to chat with me!