Thursday, June 2, 2016

Army Wife Life: Live from the Pacific Northwest!

This is my first post from our new place! Well, not our house, because we don't have one yet but I am writing from our new zip code and that's basically the same thing. Either way I am excited to be in a new place.

Before I start showing you all that is the beauty of the pacific northwest I thought I would catch you up on how we got here.

The movers came last Thursday and packed up all of our things. They came back on Memorial Day to load it all on the truck. I couldn't believe that they were willing to work on holiday.

Our cars were scheduled to be picked up on Monday too but they weren't because the driver on the truck wanted to eat hotdogs and drink beer instead of driving his route. I can't blame him but it did suck to be stuck with the stress of finding someone else to ship our cars at the last minute.

If I'm being honest, I kind of had a feeling that I would end up having to hire someone else to ship our cars. When I woke up Monday morning I just knew he wasn't coming. Maybe I'm psychic?

Going back to Thursday - I checked us in to the hotel on base to wait out our last few days in Texas. We stayed there while everything was in boxes. This room was small. Real small. I don't know how we keep ending up in these tiny rooms when we request suites but such is life and we deal with it...

We took a shuttle to the airport Wednesday morning. A friend was nice enough to follow us in his car carrying our luggage. I'm not sure how we would have made it without the help.

Once we were on the plane everything started to settle down. I was relaxed and happy to be starting something new. Then Mikey started screaming his head off snapping me back into reality. This ain't no vacation.

He cried for about 15 very long minutes. There was nothing I could do. I offered him candy, a drink, an iPad, my soul - he turned it all down for the attention of a meltdown. Once he was tired he took a seat on the floor and was happy for the duration of the flight.

I'm sure our entire plane appreciated that.

I was "one of those Moms" with a screaming kid and I was so unbothered by the stares. A friend told me not to worry if something like that happened so I didn't. I just watched him until the show was over.

We landed in Washington, rented a minivan (that I feel needs a review) and we've been working on getting settled. I can't wait to share tons of pics of our adventures here. This place is truly so beautiful.


  1. Glad y'all made it safely. I was stalking your snaps! I've always been intrigued by military life. Seems like you all just moved to Texas. Can't wait to see what the PNW looks like

    1. Thank you! Time flies. Hopefully we'll be here for at least four years.

  2. Glad you all made it. And glad that you didnt let the meltdown bother you!!! Sometimes it's nothing you can do! Cant wait to follow you and your family on this next journey!

  3. Glad you all made it out West safely. I'm looking forward to seeing more pics and reading more as you guys get settled.


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