Thursday, August 29, 2013

Face to Face Fridays Week Two

Thank you for linking up with Face to Face Fridays again this week! I got a lot of emails and comments last week about participating so this week I'm leaving the link up open for several days. I hope that gives everyone a chance to submit their links. I look forward to seeing you all!

Oh. And for a bonus video from me this week check out the post right under this one. I talk about how the kids wore me out during a shoe shopping trip!

The Chic Stay at Home Mom


  1. I can't wait for it to cool down. The TX heat is something else...literally sucks the energy out of me. Come on Fall!

    1. That's why I haven't made such a big deal out of the gym. I'm pretty sure I'm sweating off tons of calories running errands in the heat, LOL!

  2. Just finished watching the whole video. Sav loves her video features. There was no stoping her! LOL Good idea for this week's topic. That's going to be a challenge because I am overly critical and always feel like I am not doing or good enough at anything.

  3. Just saw your instagram pic with your cute!


Thank you for taking the time to chat with me!