Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Chic Obsessions: Pregnancy Survival Kit

It's a thunderstorm rainy day here in San Antonio. I for one am glad to see some rain and cooler temps. We went to dance this morning and then out to run a couple errands before coming home. Savannah's dance class will be dancing to a song from the Winnie the Pooh soundtrack. They will be dressed as little Piglets. That should be cute. Once we were home I tossed some chicken breasts, beer and BBQ sauce in the crock pot for dinner. Super easy and fast. We'll have pulled chicken sandwiches with roasted mustard potatoes. I saw the recipe on Mimi's blog,  Lipgloss and Binky, and thought I would try it. 

Anyway. I digress. Last night I was thinking about how fast this pregnancy has seemed to fly by. I have exactly twelve weeks left. So exciting. I thought this would be a nice time to share some of the products that I have used during this pregnancy to help with some of the common pregnancy issues. This post is not sponsored and I have not been compensated to share these products. I just wanted to share what works for me in the hope that it would work for you as well. We're girls, right? If I'd recommend it to my bestie I'd recommend it to you too! Here we go... 

Lemon Heads. A morning sickness lifesaver.
Remember how bad my morning sickness was? It lasted forever it seems.

Everyone's body responds to pregnancy differently. I know stretch marks are said to be hereditary and that there's nothing you can do about them. When I was pregnant with Savannah I thought I would try to beat my odds and lather up twice a day. I read somewhere that keeping your skin moisturized helps. I used the the Palmer's Cocoa Butter line during both pregnancies and loved it. So far no stretch marks, but I do notice that I'm getting cellulite so trust me I'm not getting off that easy. :-)

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Love this lotion by Neutrogena too.

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My skin went through a lot of different changes during this pregnancy. It went from being extremely dry to acne prone. My acne is finally starting to clear up again. I found two different skin care lines to treat my issues. During the dry stages I used the Burt's Bees Intense Hydration line and Mary Kay's Velocity line for my acne. They both have worked wonders. 

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This BB cream has an SPF and it provides a slight bit of coverage. It makes getting ready to go so much easier. A little BB cream, mascara and blush or bronzer and I am done!

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 I discovered the Be Band during my first pregnancy when my pants no longer buttoned. This was a great way to still wear some of my jeans before investing in maternity clothes. 

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Those are all of the items I could think of for now. I also thought it would be fun to share some of the meals I've eaten recently. I live for grits, eggs and bacon for breakfast. A yummy "kitchen sink" salad covered in Thousand Island dressing is always good and the last pic is of our Easter dinner, delicious!!

Mac n Cheese, Mustard Greens, Rice and Ribs
What"s in your pregnancy survival kit? 


  1. When I was pregnant all I could eat were gummy bears, saltine crackers, ginger (sliced) and rice. I went nine months with no meat. By the end of it, I was so through with not eating meat, I would just eat a burger and suffer the consequences later.

    If you're still getting sick, you should try sliced ginger. You can get it in the refrigerated section in an Asian supermarket. It was the only thing (besides the zofran) that would settle my stomach. It's even better than the ginger ale. But beware, it's super strong!

    1. Luckily, I stopped being sick around week 17. I'm so glad that's over! I was unable to eat meat with my first but this time it hasn't bothered me. Chicken would make me sick during my first trimester. I am able to tolerate it better now.

  2. Chicken wings and ginger ale were my best friends during my first pregnancy. I couldn't hold anything else down most of the time. Also, a quality body or pregnancy pillow was a must the second time around for me. It was so amazing to see how better I slept with a good pillow under the side of my stomach and tucked between my knees.

    1. I forgot all about the pregnancy pillow!!! That's a good one! I'm not sure what happened to my pillow from my first pregnancy. I don't have one this time and I've been making a make shift pillow fort when I sleep, haha!!! I have literally use all the pillows on our bed. Thanks for reminding about that!

  3. Girl. My belly stayed lathered up with that Palmer's Tummy Butter. My shirt would stick to my stomach but my stretch marks were minimal and the few that I did get faded over time.

    Time is surely flying. When I was pregnant the last time I had a thing for watermelon. OMG!! I ate so much watermelon it wasn't funny and I would eat it with Flamin' hot Cheetos. Cravings I guess. I miss those days but they are gone never to be had again!

    1. I swear by that Tummy Butter! I was really addicted to watermelon with my first but this time all I want is hearty comfort food. They say watermelon keeps the swelling down while pregnant. I'm not sure how true that is though. I think I'm done after this one. A boy and a girl seems a nice way to complete the family.

  4. OMG I ate lemons and lemon heads like they were going out of style!!! Gingerale was my best friend, I remember being at work at the pop machine I was getting one at like 7:15am and this man was like how do you drink that stuff this early...and I basically told him in order to keep the contents in my stomach down and not on the floor in front of you that's why I drink it this early...he looked at me like I was crazy but I guess I wasn't in the mood lol!!! I also swore by Tummy Butter! It worked a little but I still got stretch marks.

    Honestly I can't wait to have another one...we are in the prepping stages now!!! Hopefully I will be with child before the end of the year!

    1. That is so exciting!!! Wishing you and your hubby the best of luck!! E is gonna love being a big sister!


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